Sunday, December 31, 2006

3..2..1...Happy New Year!

Hey all, Happy New Years Eve! I want to wish you the best in 2007 and for being both quiet lurkers and loud voices when you chime in. "May the best days of 2006 be your worst days of 2007"

Thanks in part to (Not comprehensive by any means. Please feel free to jump in and frass):

My family, (Mom, Dad, Rocky, RSvP and his kid-to-be) for their support, advice, assistance, and love.

My support group: Redwright, Rusty, Feej...the ones who I love. What...a difference a year makes.

Dorajar. Moped. MeeP's. Almost a year. No frass. No worries. You brought me some calm, love, and laughter amidst all my frass...

Ry-Gonn and Ssssstevie...long term friends, are such a precious commodity. They make oil seem like a trifle.

New friends and loved ones (The Norefunds Gang- Including Chowie, Matty-boom-boom, Gabe-pril, Wong, et. al) Melinite, Fairiepainter, MD (I wondered a year ago if I'd even be worthy of a smooch) Shinobi-Wan, Kat-Food, etc for enriching my life like Iranian Plutonium. I love you.

Old and absent friends, re-connected with: Linzie, G7, Raven, Twocherries, Welltrainedmonkey...for everything in the past that made part of who I am today. For where we are now. And someday, where we wish to be. So we can look back, drunk, and say " you remember when we did _____?"

Have a safe, and terrrrrif new years. Be safe. Know love. Barring the safety and the love bit, always fall back on a strong side kick.

And for the love- Stay off the roads: The piggies are out in droves.

"May the best days of 2006 be your worst days of 2007"

See y'all in '07!


Roman said...

"Every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life."

Unknown said...

Wow RSVP - happy days :)
Happy new year baby P.

tallen said...

Happy New Year mikey... New. Year. Loverly words. Glad I was around for your 06... can't wait to see what 07 brings us.

Melinite said...

Here's to lovely times in 07!