Monday, December 11, 2006


I'm gonna have some flashy pants, aren't I?

So I was surprised tonight by a costume fitting. Fitting still, that we have our press/publicity/lobby photo shoot on Wednesday. This Wednesday. Shit. We tech in less than two weeks and open in three. Ho. Lee. Fook. I still have boo-too to memorize before then. And they want us off book by Monday? Frass. Anyone good with a Leicester dialect?

As I'm downstairs in the fitting area of TRP, I see the hanging card that sez "Hal" with two costumes in front of it. The one above, and another one that looks...slightly familiar?

"Holy shit-balls"
"Is that the suit from 'Merry Wives'?"
"The custom built nehru suit ala' Austin Powers?"
"Yeah, I figured it was you since the measurements were pretty much the same."
"No shit? 8 I was, like...( cough) in my early 20's. Is that what I'm wearing?!?!? (I was super excited at this point. Like wearing the same costume in the two TRP productions I'd ever been in was a badge of notoriety or something)
"Nooooo, the one in front of that. We figured that 'Hal' isn't the type to be somber and mourn his mom's passing, so we put you in something more colorful. 'Dennis' will be in black. What do you think about platform shoes?"
"Cool. Hey...can I buy it?"
"Talk to Steve"
"How about these pants? My folks'll think I found the fabric from their basement couch." (Kidding, readers. It's gone now. But pretty much the same color scheme)

Sweet. Like I need that shit. I just like options.

That thing still fit, too. Great success!

Those pants are pretty tight though. Oof. I thought wearing the hammock was bad.

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