Monday, December 18, 2006

It's Six-y...yes?

JUUUUUUNE is busting out all ovvver! I'm gonna say that the mid-way point in the year is always full of fun and frass. June '06 was NO exception! There was:

Rehearsal frass (all month. I learned that I should never accept a gig until I can read the script in its entirety. And that apparently I'm supposed to give Dorajar a 5 ft berth while rehearsing.)
There were toga parties (Kaiser) B'days (Daddy-oh's frassy birthday in the 'burbs. AND a frassy father's day out at Roman's in Pee to the Iz-El where we perused cabin designs) FeeJ's delightful big blue pool b'day! June brought the beginning of Farmer's Market visits where we stocked up on roughage for days and took in some delightful smells- This was all important as my grill use was at it’s zenith. Plays were seen that were both gory and side-splittingly comical ( "Flaming Purple Headed Warriors") We had a awesome time at the GMIKFTH jacuzzi/barbecue (My, how are bodies needed it). Dorajar introduced me to the joys of Trader Joe's cheap winery, and haven't returned since then. (That place gets crowded, yo)

I gave blood for the 1st time in 13 years ( And it didn't require MD or RSvP hitting me to do so)
Bean, his daughter, Dorajar and I went to a swanky solstice society party on the top floor of the Rand Tower. The gay burrito and I went to watch my first Pride in 3 years. More rehearsal, and then my Spider Sense started to tingle.

The remainder of Juni was the planning of Dorajar and my epic road trip to sunny and scenic SoDak.

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