Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Wha? Se7en?

It's-ah JU-ly...have some pie!

What? Road Trip for BUDDIES? That's right:

Dorajar and I road-tripped out to Mt. Rushmore for some camping. We got back in time for the 4th where we partied it up in the big blue pool with friends, came home, passed out, and were throroughly un-American b/c we missed the fireworks. There were some b'days (RSvP celebrated the 13th anniversary of his 21st birthday. And a very missed long distance b'day for Rusty) Strange calls from ex-gf's took up one evening whilst Mo-mo looked on, and we went on a marathon mission to watch all 4 Harry Potter movies before I started to read her book 5. (Still haven't made it past chapter one) Plays were performed (We packed in the Edina mommies at the BNW, and my character...who's supposed to be drunk the whole time...well. Cocktails at the 'Mill before the performance ='s Baby P becoming a character actor. FYI: This is normally a big no-no for moi, so I hope it paints an accurate picture of the experience. IJS)

Plays were seen (The fecking BRILLIANT "I am my own Wife", and my buddy Ry-Gonn and his wife being hilarious in "We Gotta P0Rn0!") Fringe was rehearsed at the Illusion. 'Bean gave Dorajar and I tix to the opening night @ the new "G" where we hovered over the sushi and kept a low profile. AND my neighborhood experienced a huge power outage that almost (almost) rivaled the storm outage incident of 2005. American Eitel and Hotmama welcomed their 2nd addition to their family, and on that note?

Whilst swilling thingytails with some local actor yablo's at Erte', I received some FAS-cinating news. Apparently, I'm going to be in charge of teaching a future niece/nephew the finer points of how to belch the alphabet. That's right, yo. I am the Man from U.N.C.L.E.

; )

1 comment:

Roman said...

Lil' Thumper will NOT be belching. It will interfere with his dim mak training.