Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Where you be?

Off. Off off off off work for a week and I'm already almost halfway through it!

See, the original plan was going to be "Week off in December, hit France and then Rome"


Finances and the holidays being what they are, it ended up getting slightly amended to: "Let's go somewhere warmer for a few days?"


I ended up w/an audition and a callback w/in the same space of time and it just wudn't work. Boo.

What did and is happening is that I've been enjoying a week off devoid of responsibility. (With the exception of rehearsal in the pm. Thanks again, big-kid job, for reminding me that if I didn't take this week off? It wouldn't roll over. B@$t@rd$)

So Frids, I hit an am audition for this crazy old Greek man, complete with thick accent/white crazy hair/and Biiiiiig bushy eyebrows. I'm supposed to read it as, get this, a race-car driver? I don't really know how one is supposed to "read" as a race car driver (I informed my agent that my Nascar jumpsuit is unfortunately at the cleaners, and would Spider Man do?) Now, I'm pretty limited as to what I'm supposed to wear ("Just go upscale casual" she tells me) and what's worse I don't have an update HS/Resume' at home (FUCK! I'm down to my last 5 HS's? Butternut Fuck...) So, it's out to Wdby to print one off at work, then to Bloomie for this audition. I read. Fine. Straight down the line. Crazy Greek Producer is shaking his head. He wants more "race car driver. Jou ares veddy essited about rice cars."/"Okay?"/"Jou knows? Ick-ting?"

Acting. Right. I'm not "acting it". (Cue trumpet noise with shrug "Whahmp whammmmp")

Lunch with Mosul at the Holy Land for the most delectible morsels of Halal Chicken in the TC Metro. (Even better than Chutney, I'd wager. Again, though- When did I become a member of the 2 plate club? Time was, I could load up 3 plates EASY! Now I barely filled my plates, and I barely touched the starches. All that flatbread...wasted)

Naps. Rehearsal. Prestons.

Saturday was, again, devooooid of responsibility. wOOt. c/b for "Geboren Nachmitag" blended into happy hour frassin' (There's something satisfying about finding an incredibly frugal and crazy happy hour that's good for the soul. If you're curious, yes...we did find the best sushi in the TC Metro.) We were given the option to see a free show...we ended up passing out early. Again. We're seniors.

Sunday after brefkist, we braved Rosedale/Target/and B and N for some shop frassin' where I discovered that in spite of having a boat load of gift cards to blow? I found nothing. Abercrombie and Fitch STILL doesn't appeal to me. After 2 years. I should just say "fuck it" and buy their cologne. Seriously. It's all, like, little kid clothes and things that are torn. Who wants to buy ripped up clothes for $80? I wear the crotch out of my jeans all by myself for free, thanks.

After a quick naplet and tofu veggie wraps for dinner, 'Bean/Mo/and m'self decided to hit the Market for our bi-annual visit annnnnd. It was dead. Nixon dead. Instead, we bowled at Elsies and hit "karaoke with the JAMMER" at the 1029. Comedy. Warbling tunes, frassin', and watching the snowfall. What a Sunday.

Monday. Even less frass. Seriously, by this point we were all like "Ummmm...we're becoming skilled and gifted at lying around." Which we did. Until we decided to grab dinner that evening and watch "Six Feet Under". In spite of my anti-TV frassbox? Not a bad show. Really.

Yesterday was accompli-frass! Patched holes, cleaned, prepped the bathroom ceiling for painting (Needs to be white) and...wait for it: Fixed the broken kitchen sprayer. (The only collateral of tha was a shit ton of fiberglass that fell in my eye. Again. Felt like a pebble behind my eyeball. Ouch) Moses came over later and we ate sesame ginger glazed salmon served over green-curry sauteed veggies and watched the next few installments of "Six Feet Under". Seriously, at $1.06 to rent 4's worth it. (And now I want Netflix.)

The rest of the week will be comprised of the following: The New Walker (I've never been) paint bathroom ceiling. Prep staircase. MIA. Karate for the a.m. class. Work out. Friday, hit downtown for the Macy's 8th floor exhibit. (RSvP, wanna get lunch?) Rehearse/Rehearse/Rehearse. Study for the series 6 make-up. Audition for BW3 training video. (Heh. Maybe take an "Ick-ting for the Camera" class before hand?)

Sleep. In.

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