Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Rehearsal Tidbits...

I know I've only briefly frassed about rehearsal here and there. Nothing really noteworthy to speak of, save that it's blocked and I'm still working on getting my butt off-book. (I know. We're two weeks away from opening. I just wish that I was off-bookier)


Last night I show up and we have a fight choreographer their. No big whoop. There's a smidgen of fight-ography in the show that we'd already paced out and dudeski is there to clean it up and offer advice. Okay. I'll admit, I get a lil' frassy about that. 2 seperate college courses on stage combat, private combat classes classes, fencing, kendo, 3 shows within the last 12 months that either involved hand to hand or rapier/dagger fighting, and lastly "gasp" close to a decade in the martial arts get you in the mindset that you don't always need any help. Yeah. That, and condescension are two things that put a burr in my saddle.

I 'd like to, however, pat myself on the back and let you all know that I shut the hell up the entire time we were working and let him do his shit. No advice, second guessing, or "how about this"...I didn't even say a "Yeah...I know that" with attitude. (Which is more than I can say for the dude I was getting beat up by) Get'er done, I say. Felt good, actually. Ooooooo, baby P is matuuuuring. Whatev. Frass.

So blah blah blah. We're marking it. I'm getting punched, kicked, hairpulled back, drag drag and then punched some more before a waylay in the belly. Before dude came to 'hearsal, we had it worked out that I would take a knee to the nut shot. It was brill, coz it was completely masked by the hitter, looked like a knee to the nuts, and I could sell it. In the interest of theatre, it gets changed to a big old punch to the gonads. No worries. I'm back far enough, my legs are apart...easy peasy. Plus? Dude can hit down as hard as he wants. He's only hitting the cushion! (Okay, so these are stage combat "secrets". Don't tell)

'Cept, um, right after it's "marked"...buddy punches down right into my crotch. Punch-ola. And instant stomach ache. He bounds back towards the rehearsal room door hopping from foot to foot saying "I'm sorry" over and over again. TLC and the Stunt Coordinater both wince and see if I'm cool. (No. But I lied anyway to keep things moving. ) We decide to mark it for the next week or so, and do a fight call nightly before the show to the tune of 3 practice runs a night. Slow/Medium/then full speed.

Long nut-shot story, I know. BUT, later on that evening we're doing a scene where I hold up my hand and Fay tosses me a key ring- except she undershot (hard) and where did it smack?

Da Berries. I have cursed nuts.

(Sighs) this shit always happens to me at rehearsals. No lie. I'm having phantom pain today with the memory. Tummy. Ache.

Funny Post Script: (For you, MD. Thanks again, cutie)

So MD did exactly what she said she did and left "garage" on my cell phone. So 1st thing we all do is last night is huddle around my cell phone (on speaker) and listen to it a couple of times. The following soundbite happened next: "Oh. It does sound like 'carriage'. That's the exact same way my British roommate pronounces it."

Right. Insert eyeroll. Gotta love a knowitall. Why in the frass were you pronouncing it "GAY-rage" then?

Thanks Mick. xo


Unknown said...

No problemo :)

Roman said...

That's OK. I have a British secretary at the office. I'll ask her to make sure that y'all are ACTUALLY pronouncing it correctly. ;-)