Monday, December 18, 2006

Accomplishment room!

What I got done:

Frids and Sats: Rehearsal. The show is completely blocked, and now we're fine-tuning. With the blocking pieces starting to get down, it's now a question of memorizing the bacchanalian amount of dialogue. (Easier when the show is in "my body")

Made several phone calls to some old friends to catch up

Talked to mama-san for waaaaay too long

Cleaned house

Got groceries to last until after the holidays

Got 80% of my shopping done (Sunday was a whiiiiirlwind day of X-mas shopping. Har Mar is my bitch. Oh yes)

Made it through 5/8ths of the episodes of "Six Feet Under" season two . We're addicts.

Had pictures taken for my X-mas cards

Found a black velvet blazer for cheeeeeap cheap cheap. (Under $17. See Har Mar reference)

Decorated X-mas stockings for the roommate and Georgie-kitty.

Saw "Mousetrap" at TRP. (Okay, technically this was a Thursday night event. Still worth mentioning. Great show, y'know?)

Made Ginger Wasabi chicky boobs. (Not bad, but still a bigger fan of the garlic/peanut sauce)

Actually worked my buns out. (Can barely lift my arms today, but so worth it. The big sin was that it was so nice out on Saturday I feel like I shoulda went for a jog)

Still need to get a TREE though. Sheesh. It's gonna be tinsel/light heavy and ornament "lite". I seriously think that I only have 4 ornaments. And two of them are Spider-Man.

1 comment:

P said...

No I'm not! I love women. I hold doors, make eye contact...Seriously, there is nary a misogynistic or sexist bone in my body.


"Y" "y". Gotcha.

; P