Sunday, December 24, 2006 12

It's been a weird 12 months, pampers. Weird and wonderful. Wonderful AND weird. Let's see....

(Disclaimer: I forgot that I had auditioned for, and was cast in "Loot" until late November. Shup. I read and remember at a 4th grade level)

In Decmeber, I rehearsed.

And Frassed.

Outside of that, I took the 1st week off of Dec. CompLETELY devoid of responsibility. I rehearsed some more. Frassed at my folks. Frassed at Redwrights. Frassed at Mo-rajars. And went through a still unresolved bout of buyers remorse at my own hands. I saw as show (Rik Reppe's "Santa Maj". A show that you ALL should see") And cleaned my folks house for X-mas *Where I reminded Mama-San that Christ was 33 when he died. She said "32". I told her I'm done after X-Mas 2007. Meaning crucified. Dad? Thought it was funny. Mom? Nope.

I'll blog some normal (right) stream of consciousness blog in a minnit. Meantime, it's 10 on the eve. I still have gifts to wrap. And some thanks to give.


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