Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I'm getting sick. F#ck. I'm not sure how this crap managed to sneak up on me, but ooohhhh man.

New Years party was fun fun for buddies, and Morajar and I commented that it was considerably less debauch than it could have been. (With the exception of BWJ trying to give my SO a reeeeeeally long attempted open-mouth midnight kiss. Does the phrase "hands off my Kool-Aid" mean nothing anymore?) I was gonna write a post earlier on the 31st commenting that rain and green grass don't seem very New Year's eve-ish...Even though by 3pm that s#it allllll changed with the wintery onslaught that followed...which will most likely be gone by 3pm today. (Nobody caught the irony of my asking "Do you know what day it is?" I mean, c'mon- it doesn't resonate with ANYone else that it was frassin' RAINING on NYE? I'm dorkish)

Rewind (This blog is kind of like the movie "Memento"...telling it with a backwards narrative and shit.) So I frassed and frassed over my lines until I'm confident that I'm 95% accurate and off book. At rehearsal, the decision was made to 86 our first Wednesday preview in lieu of more fine-tuning work. We got the casket prop, and made a very important discovery-
That f#cker is heavy. Hey. Vee. And we, meaning Sammy and I, were charged with figuring out the best way to get mother out of the coffin and into the closet. By the 8th attempt, I had abrasions all over my thighs and knee's and in spite of trying to be "back smart" (Letting my legs do the work, flexing my tummy muscles while lifting etc.) I could just feel the tainted beginnings of injury creeping in. (There's little room for purchase, so we were forced to find hand holds where there weren't any)

Well that, coupled with my shovelling my sidewalk and the neighbors, meant soreness for buddies. Last night I spent in my tv room with 'Bean and Dorajar- Hopped up on muscle relaxer's and codeine...with the vaguest hints of illness creeping in. (That great, dry ass cough where NOTHING is produced. Yuck)

Sorry about the bitchy nature. I'm back to forcing fluids now.

Pip Pip!

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