Wednesday, December 06, 2006

High Art/Marshall and Broadway

Table Art. I should start an installation, yeah? (Actually, this is very similar to what I was thinking about painting on the blank canvass I've owned for 3 frassin' years. I thought "Oh, Hey. Cool. Feminine form. Very cool. Hip. Trendy. " Until we went into the art-for-sale store and saw 8-9 similarly styled pieces. Frass. Don't break your leg jumping on the bandwagon there, baby P.

Still, something kind of novel about "Table Art". Little T's...Macaroni Grill...IJS!

Dorajar and the 'Bean scenes from the 1029, Sunday December 3rd. This is the 'Bean's new favorite bar. Sunday night karaoke, yo. With a DJ who has his radio voice on...all the time.

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