Wednesday, December 13, 2006

12 days...a day off

In honor of the 12 tags von Weinachten (Pulled that crummy Deutsch outta my butt, didn't I?) and because I completely lack originality, I'm bogarting an idea from my friend Melinite and giving you a quick Month by Month re-cap of the last 12 mos- over the next 12 days. I'm behind. Shup.


New Years is spent at Pat McCurdy with MD who made a really nice NYE date. Jan. marks the 1st and only month I am a single and solo homeowner. House...nearly empty. Spend majority sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Perform in one of the most kick-assiest shows I've ever been involved with: "Kung Fu Hamlet". Spend time with Tallen, Redwright + her Clan. Start streak of auditions that result in callbacks...but not cast. Boo. Start frassin' with a mutual acquaitence I met at the Theatre Holiday Party. Agree to go on a road trip at the end of the month to get out of town. I smell trouble. Realize it's gas.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You were the best date a girl could have :)

Lucky Mo Mo