Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Day 8: GLOOP!

August...frass, she must!
The month started with the first ever National Night Out NE Polka Party where 'Bean and I were captain and co-captain. August also brought with her shades of anxiety for our frasser. I was told that I was testing for my 6 which brought worry. Fringe rehearsals were keeping me busy and we were about to open. And I? I had a shit ton of projects to complete. So for a coupla weekends, I hauled a s#it ton of heavy ass cement home and did some concrete work. (As well as cypress mulching and tree planting) Fringey Buck-Buck came and I saw far fewer shows than Dorajar. I tried a gimmick in mine where I stripped down to a g-string, not realizing how oddly prescient that was. I auditioned for gigs (A sweet deal in Rochester) only to get passed on again. (And starting to feel a little uncastable) A deal was extended over coffee. In an unheard of act of diplomacy, I reconnected with a friend I hadn't seen in 3 years. (My first attempt was foiled by rain) And the biggest to-do was birthdays! Magrooders had a big kid birthday party where we nibbled and noshed and made use of the big blue pool. (August was a hot N frassy month, you know) and someone else had a birthday, hmmmm...OH, right! MO-rajar hit her quarter century mark and we partied it up all through Nordeast Mipples. (Her gift from moi would go un-opened for the next 3 months)

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