Wednesday, January 04, 2006


More like a "whaaaack"...but I'm getting ahead of myself.

The air mattress worked its evil wonders on me the other night, and I awoke the other day to a very cranky and stiff neck. I never get these dumb owies, so when I got to rehearsal last night and started stretching I implored my big bro to give'er a push. I've mentioned before that I have a fairly high tolerance to pain, coupled with a very high "ick" factor. (It's the anticipation of pain that I can't quite stomach. Just frickin' do it, and get on with it.) I don't know if years of getting kicked in the gob did it, or if it was the jock-o/suck it up attitude that ma and pa instilled. I just don't mind soreness/dings/etc. And I'm not an awfully big fan of taking NSAID's.

Well. 800mg of Ibuprofen and I'm at rehearsal.

Brother pushed the knot and I felt a very intense and brief explosion throughout my shoulder. White, hot, and cold all at once. It was glorious. And it cleared my brain.

"Jesus _____, there it is. (whispered) is that from sleeping on the air mattress?"
"Naw. That's my twin I absorbed in utero. Well, either that or where my angel wing is gonna pop out"

I'm ridiculous. But, the knot is broken. And there is prolly gonna be a photo of my brother giving me a backrub on the website. I know it. Angelina and her pervy brother got nothing on the P boys.

Which brings me back to pain.

Later, I was whacked over the forearm by a broomstick handle. (Bro said later: "I knew it probably hurt when you didn't make a smart ass comment afterward"). Granted it was covered in foam, but damn. Chowie felt bad. And I started to feel like I shoulda taken out a better insurance policy before accepting the gig.

I get home later- Sweaty, tired, and ready for bed. And as I'm in the shower* letting the hot water do its thing, I realize that it's helping me discover the other little aches...and then let them go. (How does one get a papercut on his foot? Must've been the spike tape. )

It's weird kids, and I'm not even kidding about this: I love it. I am thoroughly enjoying this whole experience as both a performer and a martial artist. Including every ding and scratch. It isn't a creepy feeling of S/M-my naughtiness, pain equalling pleasure, or an excuse to use as a way of forgetting "other things".

It just makes me feel...alive.

Crazy, huh?

* So, I'm shaving in the shower and I forget a part of my neck. Normally no big deal, except (1) I look like I'm trying to grow a mohawk over my Adam's Apple and (2) I have an on-camera today. Riiiiiight. Pretty man, P. Pretty Man. I probably shouldn't be hella worried, since the last on-camera I did was the day after I thought showering in fiberglass insulation was a good idea. (Of course you remember? The day I looked stoned with the little cuts all over my face? The Sherwin Williams deal?)

I really should be banned from home repair projects. And grooming. If you see me again, I'll be at Petsmart getting shaved.


Unknown said...

I will admit, although selfish, I am grateful to Chowie, for making me feel less guilty about the knuckle to head maneuver. That whack last night was amazing, I have never seen anything that looked to painful. You definitely have the short straw when it comes to injuries from rehearsal.
I think I realised about a month ago, that I like pain. Not in a stab myself in the arm type way, but in a broken rib from sparring type way. There is something about fighting that gives me such a rush, that I never even feel the pain until the session is over and the adrenaline pump has stopped. I made the mistake of saying "I like pain" out loud the other day, to a crowd of non martial artists, and I discovered that it is not a statement for the general public. In fact they quite seriously thought about locking me up for a while. So yes I do understand the liking pain thing, and anytime you wish to inflict or be inflicted let me know ?

P said...

"So yes I do understand the liking pain thing, and anytime you wish to inflict or be inflicted let me know ? "

'Kay. Challenge accepted.

After the run though. I don't need you kicking my a$$ B4 the show closes. ; )

I'm gonna pass on the broken ribs though. Soreness, dings, aches, cuts- I don't mind. Not being able to work out, spar, take a deep breath, or just raise my arms for 3 weeks was just annoying.

P said...

And selfish schmelfish, go eat a shellfish. No Guilt! Bring it on!

(You long as it looks cool.)

Unknown said...

I have been thinking about this all afternoon, and now I know why I keep asking you to hit me harder in the show. So do it!!!! (beause I like it ;) )