Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Next to Steve Ditko (Creator of The Amazing Spider-Man), my family, and Shakespeare…I’ve always had a very stong affection towards the speeches and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In celebration of his birthday, here are 2 of my favorites:

"If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say: Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well"


"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. "

Good stuff, huh? The 1st time I read those quotes had an immediate effect on me. I’ve always used the 2nd quote as a sort of mantra in my life whenever I’ve felt my personal chips were down.

That being said:

I spent MLK jr day doing manual labor at my folks old house. (One of the meager ways I can show my appreciation for all that they have done for us.) As a reward, I was given permission to use their hot tub (Which. Btw needs to be mine. Oh yes. It belonnnnngs on my patio.) The tub was divine, however I was told that if I wanted to I should try reading something just to let my mind wander. There was a boxed stack of funny books, and as I dug through them I happened upon the August 1978 edition of Playboy.

I opted for the Playboy. Duh. For all of 5 seconds. The pages started getting chloriney.

I hit up my audition for Coyote Ugly on a Fence. (About 6 really cute female bartenders on death row. They get up on top of their cells and DANCE!) and instead of coming home and studying, I wound up watching ½ of War of the Worlds. (Blech. Just, Drecky.) It went fine, so keep your fingers crossed. I’m hoping it’ll at least garner a callback.

2 questions:

I’m painting my roommate’s room. Originally, it was my TV room, and was a very bright crayon-y shade of red. I’m either going to go towards a deeper red, almost merlot, or prime it and paint it royal (almost) navy blue. Discuss. (And future roommate, if you are reading this…Well, this is the story of the color of your room. The end : )

Another painting question: If you could paint a picture of anything- what would you paint? I keep on leaning towards the feminine forms, so if anyone has any idea’s I’d appreciate it. ( I have an easel, paint, canvas, and a kick-ass frame that was from an old hotel in Downtown Mipples. I’m just sort of lacking a muse)


Portana said...

I used to do drawerings back in the day (rarely painted--they were not my friend) and I typically sketched nature. People are not my speciality--I am too anal about features being exactly the same. Nature, I am more of an abstract kind of gal.

As for a muse--it will come to you. Look at things as a picture, then the picture to draw will present itself. (Deep huh?)

Falfcg-a german or russian curse word. Thats all I got--I have a headache.

P said...

I gotta check my CD's, dorajar. I think the only playable muse-music that comes close is Project Pat's: "Make that A$$ Clap"

Except that seems to be the only muse-music that keeps popping in there. ; )

gyafn. The noise my cat used to make when coughing up hairball into my slipper at 3 a.m.

Ooooo, I'm thinking we should have a roller skating party sometime in February (ala' the old Skateland "Roller-Parties")

Whaddya think, Portana? Something fun for us to all do when you head into Mipples?

Portana said...

Excellent idea P! I will even bring my skates (yes, I own a pair--have had them since Jr High). Oh, wait, I have to PAY for oversized containers (rassin frassin big feet) :D

jjijlee-wasnt that the REALLY bad Ben Affleck movie with J Lo in it?

P said...


Well at least you weren't the dork that had to sprint off the rink as soon as the "Snowball" couples song came on. (Usually something "Journey"-esque.)

I'd actually get some of the meaner gals who'd skate up to me and hold out their hands like they were going to ask me to skate and then say "PSYCHE!!!!"

Sooooo, I'd quietly go over and get the 3 foot licorice rope or a "Choco-Taco", eat it, then hit the arcade section for a rousing game of Moon Patrol.

I was Hot-HOT for an 11 year old.
And I'm thinking I need to purge those demons.

>: (

pgdsxu: Piggie Dishku? My Elementary School nickname?