I'm back in the Bohemian Social Studies teacher costume. (As my co-worker was
very quick to point out. They so love their petty torments...don't they?) I wrote about this monkey suit b4, but to get the image back in yer heids: Khaki's, Clogs, Muted earth-tone sweater vest (Really brings the outfit together) and a cornflower blue dress shirt. All I need is some chalk to compliment the ensemble' and then we can BS for hours about the Civil War!
So, you know, I'm hopin' that if there is a guy equivalent to the "naughty-school girl Britney Spears" look circa 1999...Well, I'm hoping that this is it. But probably not. And I don't think I'll ever drop Britney's name on this blog,
ever again. And really...I wouldn't I look that good in pigtails either. Not
this cute anyway.

"Oooooooo, I have a question for yoooouuuu Mr. P...Oooooooooo...pick meeeeee"
I should just go home.
Wow, that is one cute chick ;)
Where's the webphone pic? Seriously?
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