Saturday, January 14, 2006


I'm going to miss this stupid show. I'm going to miss this stupid silly little show. And I realized this last night. Damn. Just when we're starting to find our feet. Anyway. 'Nough of that.

Teeeeriffic show last night. (I still think that my kung fu sucks comparitively to the rest of the cast. Silly self-deprecating lil' me.) We were at near capacity last night, and I have a feeling that we'll probably have similar shows on tonight and tomorra. Did I mention it sucks to be closing this silly little show? The KFH website has updated it's blog, so you can check out some new P-boys goodness (See above), as well as MD catching some ridiculous air. We're all about cartwheels in this show. If we added a log roll or a pencil roll, we'd practically have a tumbling class.

LSA and hub hub were there, KWT's hub-hub and Franklin (Who be getting so big!), My dear friends TLC and BD, and another pair of ollllld friends SF and CJ. Yeah. I nearly fell apart when I told SF that we've known each other for, oooooo, 15 years now? Frickin' "Oklahoma". Frass.

Afterwards, TLC and weefie met up with the 1/2 of the WW superstars at Rude's for thingytails. (Get your a$$ back from 'Sconnie stat, Redwright) Quick question- when did being cordial and polite translate into being "flirty"? I ask the Rude's waitress what she likes to drink before I order and I'm labeled as being flirty? 'Kay. I meandered over to Nye's to meet the Gung Fu Crew and zen we hit the Front. I had almost forgot how much fun the Front was (It was crowded enough to have some energy, but empty enough to be able to move. Make sense? No? Tough) In the interest of keeping the Akkahol intake low, I opted (primarily) for a couple of Bulls and a couple of D-Coke. HOWEVER, I may as well have been drinking since frassin' 'Bulls were almost $5 a pop. The price I pay to stay caffeinated. It was boo-too fun, hanging with hot wommyn's, big brother, and good people. Yessiree.

1am and I was out. (Hey, I'm still on "old bar" time. Sue me.) Weird thing? My mother, getting off of work decides to do a "drive by" of my house as I'm pulling up in front. Yeah.

"Ummmm, Ma? This is kiiiinda weird?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok, I have to say it, that pic is pretty cool.
Man I am going to miss this show when it ends :(