Friday, January 20, 2006

Piggybacking on the travel post

Oh, the places I will go: (Sorry dorajar. Burkina Faso will have to wait until the next Blue Moon)

Greece, Italy, Turkey- My lucky-a$$ parents got to hit all of these places on a Cruise. I wanna go. I want to see the Colliseum, the Acropolis, in a big bad way. I want to see if the waters of Rhodes are as blue as they are in pictures (An old co-worker of mine went their with her Greek hubby to his birthplace. It was so damn beautiful) These are places from stories we’d read about as kids and adults. I want to see them before they crumble away. I want to see the place on the Leaning Tower of Pisa where Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked it.

Japan/China- Doi. Yeah Yeah Yeah…Karate boy wants to go pretend he’s reliving a past life experience or something. Baka Gaijin, that’s me.

Back to the UK- Loved it. Mom and I had the best time and I gotta go again. (And see 3 X's as many shows) I also want to see the place in Ireland where my brother and his wife took that dynamite pic from their wedding program. (The smoochy smooch). Annnnnd I want to see if I can get to Ullster Province to find where our ancestors are from. (The "Love’s". Ironic, huh?)

Australia- Damn straight. I gotta hit the reef. I will be attacked by sharks, because they will smell my fear (And probably my urine) but that’ll be one helluva way to go.

Spain- (I’m bringing Biggie and his wife with me here. I require a translator) I think running with the bulls in Pampalona would kick ass.

France-ville- Yup. I’m a touron. But I wanna see the frassin’ Louvre.

Germany/Austria- See if I can dust of my Deutsch well enough to sing "Einz, Zwei, GeZuffa" at the Munich Hofbrauhaus

Czech Republic- My dad got me on this kick to go, partly because of my heritage…but mostly because it’s a beautiful city that is filled with art. Cool.

India- What's in India, you might ask? Indians. Doi. And the Taj Majhal. (I'll be holding your hand and checking it out in spirit, lucky girl.) Plus, how the hell else am I gonna break into the Bollywood film industry? Salaa Bombay!

Mexico- WOOOO PARTY IN MAZATLAN! SHOW YOUR T!TS!!! Fuck no. I've always been a pretty yuge fan of the Aztec/Mayan/Incan cultures since I did a book report on them in the 5th grade. (You know, where my reading level stopped?) So, I've always had a jones to visit the Tulum ruins and the Mayan ruins of Chichan Itza.

Egypt- RsVp (again) will understand this. Mom went back in '84. I just wanna see the pyramids before they go away. Y'know?

Canada, eh- Back to Vancouver. Nice arts scene. Beautiful city.

Biggs and I had the honor and privilege of having our butts dragged around the country a lot when we were growing up. There are very few states where we didn't trod, so I guess part of me would like to go back to some of those places, like 4 corners, The Carolina's, Florida, Devil's Tower. I'd like to be able to treat them with a little more reverence. (As opposed to my impatient hormonal pre-teen antics. I'm sure I was an absolute joy to have in the mini-van)
And, I think that I'd like to hit a few more places on the NW and NE seaboard...just fer fun. And while it's cool to be going back to NY and Cali, I'd still like to hit:

Hawaii and Alaska. Someday, botches.

Now I just need a frassin' $ponsor. Or someone who wants to use me ala' Rick Steve's...You know...bugging the locals with my cheesy Western charm. That's the ticket.

And to find some poor bastard who would wanna deal with my looney baloney during the trip. 'Cause you know, it's nice to share that stuff with someone. ; )

Until then:

Heads Carolina, Tails California...that's a country song for you'se that don't know.

Have a good weekend peeps. I give you my full "Helen Keller: The Musical" review on Monday.


tallen said...

Oh the places I've been...
abroad - Spain, Fiji, New Zealand (pretty darn little for this one, no real memories), Costa Rica, Germany, England, Canada, Moroco, Carribean Islands
in the US - N'awlin's (freakin' rocks!), NY, CT, SD, CA, FL, TX, TN, IA, WI, HI, MI, CO, MN (obviously), AZ, MT, IN... I think that's it so far, not counting driving through states

Get to head to NZ again in '07 - three generations of Parlanes... my mom, sister and I are gonna go see my G'ma... I'm pretty excited for this one :-)

Unknown said...

Cool, that is some list p, better start packing now :)

P said...

Well darlin', if you want to throw me in a duffle and check me on your way to India- I fit well in most overhead compartments.