Monday, January 30, 2006


Sunday, I was a slow child at play.

I had every intention of getting up at the boot-crack of dawn-priming, painting, and getting DeeT’s room ready for his move in. After a Depot trip to get the Mediterranean Blue paint (Which, btw, took FOREVER to get. 45 minutes to get paint? F##kers! I am an impatient git.) Getting home, Kilz-ing the red s#it (Yeah, fun) Moving furniture, up the ladder down the ladder, out to voice audition, out to the Junction to let MD whomp on me (More on that later), coming home with what felt an awful lot like a broken elbow, back home, to start painting. It just took forever. 1 room. I am just not a paintin’ fool. OH, PLUS the fact that my ex-roommate thought that it was a terrific idea to remove EVERY door upstairs, I had to go down to the basement and get the corresponding door to his bedroom.

I live in an old house. The doors are solid. Solid Oak. And ‘eavy. And I grabbed and carried upstairs 2 of the wrong doors before finally getting the right one. This, btw, is with Mr. Smashy-elbow. I was pi$$y, sore, and tired.

And I looked at the clock and noticed that "Hey…it’s almost 1 am!" GOR-geous. And I got me more painting/detailing to do tonight. Poop.

On a different note: 2 pieces of terrific news.
DeeT’s was cast in "Thoreau". If you’ve never seen ebullient behavior after getting cast, you need to meet my roommate. Congrats DeeTs!
Send "Safe Travel" vibes to my hawt friend MD as she embarks on a 3 week trip to India. Ramble on, sister. And bring me back something…Indian. MD. Huh. Should be more like, "LB". Lucky biiiiiaaaatch!!!

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