Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Geeking of Speak

Red Shirts:

Little known geek noun that describes the people in the Star Trek canon that are basically the disposable extra's. (You know the ones: Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Sulu, and Chekhov go down to a class M planet. In tow are 2-3 "red shirts". You know that those random red-shirt guys are dead-ass-meat.)

So today, and this is way too stupid to be a coincidence. There are at least 11 people wearing some shade of red shirt/sweater. In the team meeting I just lead, there were 3 sitting at the table in front of me. Making 4 total for conference room 231. Yeah. Including me.

We're toast.


tallen said...

I can't wear red shirts any more unless they're right sexy shirts... bad memories of my week working at the big bullseye... ick... the flashbacks... I can't take it!

pajammiez... oh, how i wish i had my jammiez on right now... comfy

P said...

It's either we're doomed, or there is an odd "Target Miasma" floating around.

I guess that means I have to go buy shit now. Frassin' Bullseye. They could charge admission and I'd still spend $20 more than I need.
