Saturday, January 21, 2006

Bogarted meme from Portana!

Layer One

Name: P
Bithdate: December
Birthplace: Robbinsdale, MN
Current Location: NE Mipples, MN
Eye Color: Blau
Hair Color: Braun
Righty or Lefty: Rudy. Hit Lefty.
Sun Sign: Capricornicus, Pornicuss
Innie or Outtie: It's like a deep pit in my midsection.

Layer Two

Your heritage: German, Czech, Irish, Scottish, English, Pillsbury Doughboy
The shoes you wore today: Old school tennies...with dress clothes. I gotta be me.
Your hair: Rakish and unruly
Your eyes: Bloodshot. Muh huh wah HA HA HA HA!!!
Your weakness: Kryptonite. (Kidding. Like I'd tell the public my weakness)
Your fears: Growing old alone. Heartbreak. Destitution. Cancer.
Your perfect pizza: Luce's Greek Pizza, or Green Pepper/Black Olive/Mushroom. You know...When I'm in a 'za mood.
One thing you'd like to achieve: Get my house all fixed up.

Layer Three

Your most overused phrase: Fuck. Brilliant. The bottom line is... Cocktacular. Seriously.
Your first waking thoughts: "Hey...It's 3am and I bet I don't go back to sleep!"
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: "I really hope they want to have lots of sex with me." I'm fully aware that isn't a feature per se, but it sounded a lot funnier to me than just saying the real answer.
Your best physical feature: Aren't people supposed to tell you? MD said she liked my hair. I'll stick with that.
Your bedtime: Somewhere between 10 and 11
Your greatest fear: Didn't we cover this already?
Your greatest accomplishment: Buying a house. Getting to know/work with some amazing and beautiful people.
Your most missed memory: Awwwwwww, that's kinda private. (coughs) Here: I think when someone said once "I don't know if it is all right to say this to a man, but I think that you are beautiful" it sticks like glue in my memory box. Or whenever you hear someone say "I love you" and they mean it?


(btw/disclaimer: That's a blanket "missed memory", dig? )

Layer Four

Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke. Or Diet Mt.Dew.
Single or group dates: Time and a place for both, y'know?
Adidas or Nike: Old School Puma's. (New Balance when I work out)
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Mint Green Tea, hot, with honey. (Plain green tea tastes like a$$)
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappuccino or coffee: Lots.

Layer Five

Cuss: Fuck. Oh, wait...that's wasn't a command?
Sing: Yes- Bari to 2nd Tenor. La La.
Take a shower everyday: Yup. In the evening.
Have a crush(es): I give my love freely to all, and keep none for myself. HAH!
Do you think you've been in love: Think Schmink. I've known I've been in love. And it feels fucking fantastic.
Want to go to college: Been there done that
Like high school: Yup. It was fun.
Want to get married: I'm not in any hurry, thanks.
Believe in yourself: I have to.
Type with your fingers on the right keys: Yeeeeah.
Think you're attractive: Not really. Charming, in a hammy/doofy/harmless way...but I think I missed "good-looking" by a nickel toss. (RsVP got all the "WB Pretty" genes)
Think you're a health freak: I'll leave this to my audience.
Get along with your parents: Yes.
Play an instrument: Skin Flute (Sorry, turned 11 years old just there) Some percussion, harmonica (OK, just the opening riff of "Piano Man"), and my voice.

Layer Six

In the past month, did you...
Drink alcohol: Yes
Do a drug: nope
Make Out: Nope. But, look, seriously? Ok, Ok. Fine...if you want too. Really? Okay. You sure? No. Really? I'm totally good for it. Hello? (Insert sound of crickets chirping)
Go on a date: Nope. (What is the technical def? I mean, I saw "Miracle Worker" w/BD but it wasn't technically a date since she's married and her hubby suggested we go together. So it was more like a Super Secret Date. So, um. No?)
Eat an entire box of Oreos: Not since I was 13. I told you I was slightly portly as an adolescent.
Eat sushi: Not in the last month, but I love it
Been on stage: Yup.
Been dumped: No
Gone skating: Soon, love...soon.
Made homemade cookies: Yup. I like the way it makes my house smell.
Been in love: Nope.
Gone skinny dipping: We're in freakin' MN for cripes sake. Ask me again in July.
Dyed your hair: No
Stolen anything: No.

Layer Seven

Have you ever...
Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
If so, was it mixed company: Yes
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes
Been caught "doing something": Yeah. Those bastards ruined what could have quite possibly been called "The single greatest moment of my life".
Been called a tease: A flirt, yeah. Tease, no. (Read old post "Why do peeps think Friendly=Flirty?"
Gotten beaten up: Have you met my bro? Or MD? Or Wong? Or Dawson? Old school a$$-kickers, the lot of them.
Shoplifted: No
If so, did you get caught: n/a
Changed who you were to fit in: I don't need to. I bring "The P"

Layer Eight

Age you hope to be married: Sorry. I'm not in a big rush kids.
Numbers and Names of Children: I don't want any chitlins. I'd like many pets. Like a llama, or an emu.
Describe your Dream Wedding: Wow. These are some GREAT questions. NEXT!
How do you want to die: Old, On a beach, covered in suntan oil, with a mai tai in my hand.
Or doing something selfless. Or getting eaten by great white sharks in Australia. (I'll take one of those fuckers with me, I can tell you that much for nothing! )
What do you want to be when you grow up: I've met grown ups. They frighten me.
What countr(ies) would you most like to visit: See the 1/20/06 posts on "Ramblin'"

Layer Nine

Number of women I have kissed: Dear God, People. I'm involved in theatre.
Number of girlfriends you've had: Like, titled girlfriends. 7 since the 8th grade. SSGF's? Countless. Girls are scary. They can smell fear and bee's and dogs.
Number of people I could trust with my life: 3
Number of CDs that I own: 50 or so?
Number of piercings: 0
Number of tattoos: 0 (I'm still thinking of the kanji for "No". Right on the side of my...oooooo)
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Once or twice. Apparently I'm a terrific "Backtor"
Number of scars on my body: Boodles.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Some. Not many. But some.

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