Monday, January 30, 2006


Sats I worked. Worky worky worky.

And of course, the costume shoppe was a mess w/non-stop customers. Loeverly to deal with when you are boo-too tired. The one highlight came in the form of my friend Ry-Gonn coming in to register his wedding. I’m the, coughcough, Best Man, and was also able to use my pull to give him the PHAT hookup. After getting home and scoring a nap (btw, a tip for my loyal readers? Never call a saucy Brit who’s just stepped out of the shower to answer your call. You’ll get the play by play. Just sayin’) I hit the Pat Show turned out to be a mini-KFH reunion. MD looked hotter n’a biscuit and sported her cute new haircut (Her shower did little to mask the smell of cabbage), and Gabe was just plain effin’ funny. If you see the pic, you can tell how much of an unphotogenic muppet I am. Yes, I’m wearing a tux shirt and jeans. I’m hip like that. And only like that. Pat was HI-larious, the company was killer, and like a lame ass I bolted during intermission. ("whhhhhyyy are you goooooing" Breaks the heart)

It was moving closer to home (Midnightish) and I had the chance to see some more frie.... Let me just stop myself here to describe, the company (who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent) She was wearing the equivalent of a denim napkin as a skirt. (And I thought of the movie "Hot Shots", very briefly, and the dialogue: "Nice Legs"/"Thank You. I just had them lengthened. Now they go all the way up") Pleasant distractions indeed.

Now, I happen to very much enjoy the company I keep. And I happen to think that I have some incredibly beautiful friends.

I happen to know that, again, I di’int get home ‘til wee hours.

At this point, you’re probably saying to yourself a couple of things: "Must be rough" Or "You danced, P….yadda yadda yadda what you said before" or "Lemme tighten the strings on my violin....wanker" Bear in mind, I allow m’self maybe one or two late night excursions a month. I'm a baby, I admit. But doing them Back to Back?

Welllll, let’s just say that I didn’t get up at the crack of Dawn to get humping on the PJ’s like I thought. Check it ouuuuut....

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