Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Thoughts for the day, revisited.

You know, deleting your old posts takes forevah- BUT, I happened upon something that I think is mildly profound. (As in, salsa is is P's profundity.) I wanted to do a repost so you all knew what great people we can be. We want to be.

Reprinted with permission from the author, from an August 2005 post

One of the greatest capacities we can fulfill is to be able to provide another person with a kind word. If you ever want to feel validation or fulfillment, pass along a kind thought or observation. There is no trick to it, and if you can''re just being lazy. It openly demonstrates that you are taking 5 seconds to think about someone else...Seriously, do it today.

Here's some really simple stuff that makes me happier than happy.

-The Sunday Paper and a cup of good coffee.
-People laughing at some funny thing I've said.
-Completing a project at home
-A thoughtful compliment
-Central Air Conditioning on a hot day, a warm house on a colllld one.
-Karate. And all that it entails. Fighting, Learning...beautiful.
-Live theatre. Laughter and appreciation from the audience.
-Exercising that ends with me feeling good and not ending so that even I can't climb the stairs
-Days off
-Big breakfasts...especially lots of egg whites
-Reading a book that I can't put down
-The Internet
-My co-workers, who accept me for who I am and also trust my leadership. Weird.
-People who have a bad day, and I make'em laugh at something, and they say "thank you".
-People who accept my penchant for the abstract as positive
-Going out to dinner with good friends
-When my Indian co-worker brings extra food to share for lunch (Last Friday was Roti and Lentils with rice)
-People who respond to this blog (It makes someone as boorish as myself feel good)

So, it isn't an "all-encompassing" list, but if I wanted to list (say) daily irritants I have a high degree of certainty that it would be shorter than this one. (I have a high tolerance for pain, and bullshit)

To all of my friends that are reading today, know and believe this: Because of the ADD/Abstract Randomness that is P, at any time and probably every day- You're always in my thoughts. Take comfort in knowing that.

(And to the Lurky McLurkersons, please post something for cripes sake. It ain't hard y'know! Oooooooo but it's getting there....HEY Ohhhhh! Who's the lowest common denominator NOW?)

; )


Unknown said...

Ok, well here goes:
p you have a really nice red bandana which makes you look kickass.

And you make me laugh, all the time, I need time away from you because my sides hurt so much with your jokes.

Oh and you are one of the most thoughtful people that I know.

tallen said...

Things I like about P...

his sense of humor
his regard for respect and love
his work ethic
his biceps
his ability to see humor in everyday life, but still hold so many things so dearly and see things so clearly

and I can even forgive his love of Chuck Norris... besides, we all know Vin would kick his ass...

um, what comes after A bank, B bank, C bank, D bank and E bank?

P said...

Dang. Dang Dang Dang.

I wasn't expecting that guys.

Thank you. You just made my day.

: *

Obehumbh? An Oboe Hummer?

Roman said...

Chuck Norris eats steel for breakfast and craps out Vin Diesels.

Something nice about P? It feels nice when it's been stuck in you for too long and you finally get to the loo and get to let it all out.

Oh, and he doesn't hate freedom.

eoadmbpz -

What you say when you're lost and eating peanut butter. "'an meh thuh eoadmbpz, weh lawz".

tallen said...

RSVP... um, are you startin' sumptin' here?!

again... I got nutin'
i'm beginning to feel useless :-(

Roman said...

I'm just tallen it like it is.

And Vin Diesel has no eyebrows. They won't even be seen in a film with him.


I don't know...a Cows Ovaries?


Melinite said...

The thing I like about P: He'll probably forgive me pretty soon for staying out past midnight when I said that we'd leave at 10:30pm.

At least, I hope he will. :)

vwnrw: the street vince lives on (vaughn row)

P said...

Redwright is fibby-mcfibberson. When I'm poolside at the WW's, I make waves bigger than Godzilla could create. (Sing along: "He wades through the poooool, 7 stories Hiiiiigh, BREEEEATTHES FIIIIRE GODZILLA!!!!". Rsvp is the only one who's liable to get that.)

Redwright: Darlin', I can't think of anything else to say w/o everything getting all stopped up soooo:

You are by far and away one of the kindest, most decent people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The kindness that you and your family displays (not only towards moi) but to everyone in this world that you love is a model and example on how good people should live their lives.

And he's right. Vin don't got no hair, period. Like an eraser.



Ojapisko- The name of the swamp Rsvp and I stumbled on up at our cabin circa 1985.

P said...

Melinite: The craziest thing is that I feel like a million bucks today. (In spite of 4.5 hours of sleep.)

Here's Mel's pick me up:

Besides being an all around cutie and sweetheart: She has one of the best laughs you're likely to hear. And it makes you laugh just hearing it. No lie. Your hubster has got a great future to look forward to w/that laugh.


(Good luck w/the interview)

ftequs...Foot Equus. Horse shape feet.

Beats flippers.

P said...

Oh, and in case y'all were wondering:

rsvp is an incredible martial artist

Fiercely loyal (Where the hell d'ya think I get it?)

Amazingly funny.

A bottomless pit of support. (hoooo, is he ever)

The best big bro ever.


I'm reachin' here:

Titty Jammin' For Me? Hooooooo boy.

Roman said...

P -

You missed a line. "Breathes Fire as he STANDS IN THE SKY!"

And aren't you supposed to have body fat before you complain about making too big a splash in a pool?

Redwright -
Thanks for pointing out that I never learned to read. Now I'm all like "OH man, I can't read."

Yes. Eyelashes.

How a Roman plumber tells someone they'll be there to fix that leaky aqueduct between 5 and 2?

P said...

I read at a 5th grade level.