Monday, January 09, 2006

That was very nice.

A little slow to warm up to- but we did it! The show is up and running. Friday was a little quiet in the house ("Laugh and Clap, Bitches!" was muttered several times.) The ‘ography felt a little stiff, and I was way concerned that my blue bandana was distracting the heck outta the audience. Afterward we played Frogger, hoppin’ from bah to bah, (Finally landing at Barfly. Incidentally, it is feckin’ cool to have a brother who works DT. No Pay For Park! ) Shite. I just realized that I hadn’t been dancing in a goodly while. Probably not since big bro’s wedding. (And you know, I’m thinking that since 1/3 of the audience they were all watching the techniques. They can’t oooo and ahhh when they are focused on the technical piece.)

A tremendous crowd on Saturday (w/Redwright + Magrooders, Kaiser + Joy in attendance. Even Mama-San P showed up as a surprise!) They were hootin’ and hollerin’. The fights were tight, and it was so much fun to see how excited RSVP and MD were after receiving their well -deserved applause. ("Now I know why you do this acting thing, lil’brother!" /"Naw, I do this ‘acting thing’ for the trim. Swear.") It was just a tight show. I ended up hangin’ with the W’s at the Dragon for a minute, met up with TLC and FW (I’m not posting it here, but no Redwright- I’m not letting a brumski go. Well, at least not for another 5 minutes) I was invited to crash the CJ’s party later which was far too nice of him- Enjoyed some pate’ ("Pate’ Schmate’…I know F##king braunschweiger when I see it!" You’re a class act, P. All the way.) And ambled home to bed.

Which drags us to Sunday. I’m really not a yuge fan of Mat’s. Crowds tend to be fickle, sometimes thin, so I was pleasantly surprised that they were as responsive as they were. The crowd had such notables as my once and future roomie DeeT’s, Le Mitch and weef (I swear, if I hear "OMG, You are SO like your BROTHER" one more time. Or, "Which one of you is older?" That’s right batches, I got me some miles.) and the Bob with his loverly lady. Annnnnnnd some old school chums of mine, which is always a pleasure. (More on that in a later post)

So. It was chockablock full of Kung Fooey goodness. The body is welcoming a 3 day respite from full out fighting (My rotator cuffs are the worst. Weird, huh?) and also welcoming a respite from taking anti-inflam’s just to be able to get outta bed. Go here to see us mug:

There you’ll see the coolness that is Wong and the cast. The pigtailedness that is MD. And the hotness that is Ro. (Redwright. He is darker bearded one)

And the dorkiness that is moi. Go see our show, readers.

1 comment:

Frethem said...

So, what exactly does this "Gabe" person do in controling you with his "Joystick"?

lxhwshru - Seriously? Can I get a witness? Lax Headwarmers Shrew? I got nothin'...