Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Thai me, you'll like me...

SUCH an interesting day yesterday. Let’s see-

The network wankers decided to cancel "The Book of Daniel". Which means that my dad will have to find another TV show to emulate. (Not even kidding, this type of behavior that I normally illicit. When he helped me move in my "big-kid" bed, he gave me a play-by-play of the entire 1st episode. Apparently my whole family is hooked. Weird. I guess they’ll have to go back to "South Park" re-runs. Lol)

Work. I never really talk about the big kid job for fear of driving readers away faster than the batmobile. (I work in the financial community…where we put the "douche" in fiduciary.) HOWEVER, the beginning of the year is ridiculously busy- so yeah. Busy. Ish.

Last night after work, I bolted out to Chiang Mai Tai *to pick up my very own magic hoodie. (Again, folks, this is why I need a digital camera- Just so you can see my ridiculous fashion sense in action. Granted, I’d never leave the house because what would happen is that I’d wind up posting lascivious photo’s of myself into the wee hours…but I digress) It is a PHAT hoodie, and all it cost was a little Thai food and some great BS conversation. I gotta tell you that it is wonderful to go out and have an evening that ends with meeting cool new people**.
But, y’all probably knew that.

(Funny bit: "You, uh, don’t strike me as the kind of person that would be a geek, S."/"Oh yeah, I should tell you about the time I bought the sword of the Witch King at a TX Con." And she got Ray Parks autograph! That's right. Darth Maul. It surprised me too. Even more surprising was that the sword is taller than she is. Boo YA!)

And it’s a cool hoodie. Is it wrong that I want to go to Café Press and buy the "Stinging Serpent of Death" t-shirt? Yeah. But I have the fashion sense of a 14 year old, so what do I know? I still need a frickin’ face cage so I can go whoop some A$$ in the South Suburbs.

You know who you are. It’s comin'. ; )

2 bits:
1) Please cross your digits. Cross’em. Now! And think of P fondly between 7-10 tonight. Oh God…here we go: "Think of P…Think of P fondly, when we kiss gooooood niiiiight". Just in case you’re wondering, I am-in fact- bone "in" ham. Do with that what you will.

2) Send the most positive thoughts, support, and well wishes to my future roommate DeeT’s. He is going through a very difficult time right now with a recent passing in his family. If you see him, give him a hug. Or an airplane ride. He’s the best. And if you check this out, Texas Armadillo, you know we all love you very much.

* Tofu w/Veggies, and some ginger tea. Yes. I ate. I ate tofu. And spilled the dish down my front. She didn't see it, but if she reads it- S, I really am that cool.

** and some old friends. I bumped into my girl Snoopy who I've known since high school. She was gonna comp us free dessert but, you know. Too Full. Too P.

1 comment:

P said...

Cool. We'll play the game that RsVP and I used to do at Sparring-

1st round- No hands.

2nd round- Hands only.

3rd round- Nothing but Head butts

And I'm avoiding the ribs, slugger.