Saturday, January 28, 2006


Not to be wah wah boo-hoo… but I’m kinda thinking this is getting silly. I won’t be "Fence" straddling, as it turns out so I guess I’m going to have a fairly-free Spring after all. (I think that it was probably the nicest "Thanks and Sorry" call I've ever received. It actually made me smile.

For those keeping track: Since September-ish it’ll be (ohhhhh) 4 out of 5 shows that I’ve auditioned for that I haven’t been cast in. This doesn’t bode well. The bad-bodeing is b/c I’m pretty choosy in regards to the gigs I go for, and therefore the impact is greater when I don’t get’em. Make sense? And so far, there ain't much out there that's floating my boat. KFH having a remount soon? Anybody?


And other choice swear words.

So I made a little list of things that are happening in my immediate future to look forward to:

A concert tonight. With good people. Always good times.
Registering my best friends wedding. And the fact that after today it’ll be 1 day left at the store.
Getting the house ready. Bi-fold door on the bath, new outlets, paint, and a couple of ceiling fans’ll be nice
Taking stand-up classes with Eug. Okay. I’ll do’em. Fine. Get off my back. Back-getters.
Mixing it up w/MD. My dance card is wiiiiiiide open darlin’. And I have large fists.
Seeing Man O’ LaLunchables. Thanks for taking me, mom and dad. I know it’ll be good.
Getting out of dodge next weekend. Even for a day. The company will be worth it.
Urban Harvest coffee. There is love in it, or roofies. I can’t be sure.

Have a good weekend peeps. I’ll post my "Ghosts" review later. It was good. And the statue of Ibsen does, in fact, look like he grew a pair of balls out of the side of his face.

I’m 12 years old. Deal.


Portana said...

Is three weeks immediate future? 'cause I am comin' out there and stuff and such...
and rumor has it a party is abound.
Just sayin'

jjbensn--jj benson? Wasnt that a show about a butler back in the 80's?

P said...

No abounden or rumorin' necessary- There be doin's in the works!

tallen said...

you up for salsa lessons? my sister's all about the salsa and totally wants people to go out w/ her and her latin lover... i'm totally serious! i'd feel SOOOOOO much better if i wasn't the only newbie... wanna?! wanna?! wanna?!

the sound of P drinkin' his vino

P said...

I'm down. My dance card is wiiiiiide open. No, seriously, wiiiiide open.

I tried salsa lessons at Kitchen Window but only wound up making a weak pico de gallo.

Someone needs to do the legwork on the whens and the where's for this type of partner dancing. And if guys with one functional elbow can do it too.


Jimmy Footmiller? That a$$hole still owes me $5!