Thursday, January 19, 2006

Seriously...I'm not even kidding...Skates.

We will, I repeat, will go roller skating.

It must be done, so sayeth the P.

Show of hands: Who's into it?

That's what I thought. I mean, really...Who doesn't like roller skating? People who hate Freedom, that's who.

I know that the Jabas and his gally had their 1st date at a skate rink. That's cool.

I haven't been roller skating since 1986. Why?

The story:

I used to get my little fat-kid-butt passed over for the "Snowball Couples Skate" all the time. (In fact, I'm pretty sure that whenever they played "Open Arms", "Against all Odds", or "Total Eclipse of the Heart" I'd rabbit off the rink like my arse was on fire.) I've relived this sordid tale b4: Picture lil' 11 year old P wearing his "Bloom County" t-shirt with a hawaiian shirt over it. Probably had a "Dr.Who" pin on the collar. The acid washed County Seat jeans which were supposed to be loose, fitting snugly to my rubenesque lil' bod...Probably munching a licorice rope or a eating an ice cream Choco-Taco....sitting out on the bench during the Snowball...and allllll the little cute girls with their big 80's bangs would skate up to me...hands heart would leap...their hands would pull back at the last minute annnnnndd "PSYCHE!" Man. Mean Girls. Big Time. Subsequently, I made love to the game "Moon Patrol" quite a bit.)

I thought (as a kid) because I was a hockey demon that I was also a roller skate demon. Not so much. More than once...and twice, I would try and skate backwards and wind up ass over teakettle, only to be rescued by the pimply-faced besmocked "Skate Patrol". (I'm surprised my coccyx is still intact)

I ate a lot of licorice rope, choco-tacos, and drumsticks. In a simple twist of fate, I was spared the agony of problem acne.

I think another reason I don't like 'blading these days are due to my bad 'xperiences at Skateland.

So. Time to exercise those demons. I'm thinking that place in Saint Louis Park. Y'know? The one with the Brontosaurus on top. Sometime in February-ish, round the middle. Anti-Valentines, because...yeah. I'm the crusty anti-V day guy this year.

And besides, if you've seen this movie how can you not like roller skates?



Unknown said...

Can you wait until I get back from India? After Feb 18th would be great :)

tallen said...

#1 - first time I rollerskated, I fell & my mum rolled right over my lil' fingers.

#2 - can we rollerblade?

#3 - when do we get to ICE skate?

I was never very good at French, but this definitely looks French to me.

Portana said...

OK, could you do a combo house warming party/roller skating party/anti valentines day party when I am out there? Feb 17-19? I can fill you in on how to do an anti valentines day party (we did those back in Portland--usually around 150 peeps) and I dont think you have had the house warming party yet. And I am always up for roller skating.

Ponder that P--

paizftig- what my director would yell at us regaring our slowing down the music "pace mumble mumble mumble"

Frethem said...

Well, I would like to go... but I'm going to have rehearsal most nights until I open (Feb 10th). I'm sure that won't break too many hearts.

I would fully plan on Rollerblading. My Brother wants me to do a marathon with him. 26 miles on rollerblades? Hmm...

P said...

md: Hell yeah that'll work. C'mon sweetie...why d'ya think I was shooting for mid-Februarish? ; )

FeeJ: Yeah, they do have 'Blade nights at the rink, but I think that you can't do them on the same night.

And dear back in Ice Skates...the heathen Gods would smile at my folly. (I need dates for the Depot)Although I do think "Bikini-ied" ice skating is a capitol idea. I'll need to get a Brazilian Wax...eeeee.

Doi Portana! (See reason # 1 above as to why I figured on mid-Februarish as being good for MD too! We should try and get RPK and CRT to drag their engaged booties out too!)Although I don't think I know 150 people, and it might scare the new roomie to no end!

Dorajar...I think the Chicken Dance would make me skate off the rink faster than if I heard the song "Faithfully"...Now...the Hokey Pokey, however. ; *

zrwny: Zurweenie?

tallen said...

OK - so this is mostly just to see if my new name will appear when I post this... but...

what do you mean? you sayin' there's no rollerblades on the rink unless it's "blade" night? WTF is up w/ dat?


P said...

Well I cian't be 100% sure about the 'blade thing, but I am closer to...Oh, 87.8% sure with a chance of showers in the evening.

What, are ya afeared of roller skates? Cast out the demons of your smooshied lil' digits! Do your best "Rollergirl" impression ("Do you want to be my mom? I'm going to call you 'Mom' and I want you to say 'Yes'...okay?")

And I'm gonna let you play concierge to ice skate, being that you're the sk8ter and all. I'm gonna need to get my hands on my own pair of rassin' frassin' hockey skates! (Hmmm, it's only been 15 years since I've had any...had, gotten...what's the difference?)

If we go, I will attempt a triple-clutz.

(And I'll tell ya the time I was at a hockey tournament...wait, I'm gonna write it like MD who says it all cute and British and stuff: "two-ur-na-ment". Anyway, the power went out in the arena between the 2nd and 3rd period except for one single light, so 13 year old P performs an impromptu, half-ass figure skating routine.

The coach benched me for the 3rd period as a result of my shenanigans.

My parents still love to tell the story

tyehuqi: Tye dyed hockey?