Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Night Night...sweet prince.

Well this’ll mark the end of another run, so in true ninja fashion, I’m gonna fill y’all in on the highlights- Which’ll hit you like a maelstrom of shuriken. You've been warned!

The Saturday show was divine. Actually it was one of the more solid shows during the run- my friend Tallen and her boy showed up (Yee haw. *DeeT’s- Remind me to tell you the comment my dad and his friend made: "Hoo-hoo-hooo…..who is THAT, P?" /"Um she’s my friend…and she’s kinda taken, boys. And taken by the worst POSSIBLE man ever...""/"Really? What kind is that?"/"The sonovabitch is one of the nicest guys you’d want to meet. Frass!") Yes, my family (duh) and their close friends came. (Who all loved the show. They told me later that they thought that the gally who played Ophelia was, oooooo what did they say? "Gorgeous AND charming".) Dad later asked where I learned gymnastics: Elementary school. Sorry dad. No big secret.

Rounding out the attendee's were Magrooders (Who came AGAIN!) Ikester (Who loved it. Doi, boy! I told you this was your show!) and their cute friend who hails from Bulgaria…or Iowa. Or BulgIowa. I love my NE family. And, my co-worker the Chubby Corporal (US Army-ret. Hon Discharged) he and his girl braved a long-ass commute from St. Michael which is half a world away.

(*Notable show moments: Um, I punched MD in the face. Annnnnd I think we had a very VERY charged show. Very. Lotsa contact. It was glooooorious, and I wear my bruises as medals.)

Afterwards, I stopped out at Emma’s w/Tallen and her boy (A very nice restaurant, btw. Total date recommendation.) and got this weird celebrity vibe/treatment (DT back me up here) after a couple came up to me and complimented the show…they then proceeded to comment on their disdain towards one of our local rags which didn’t give our show a lick of press. ("We actually had to look in the PRESS to get any information on the show!") You go, my delightful public.

Then, onto a party in the quiet town of St.Paul…where an inebriate CG confessed that had himself some mad-hot monkey sex on Friday the 13th. (Well, at least somebody is, right?) Apparently he plans on bending my ear some day to tell me the correlation between Kung-Fu and Schtupping. I look forward to it, with baited breath.

Sunday brought us to our bittersweet close. Another full house that included some more dear friends of mine (Ry-Gonn and girl, Euge and Brettster, Welltrained Monkey and girl…where TF has HE been? Brandino+Grimes+Carlton. Ugh. How can you not dig on the support?) We stopped down at the Tower for post show libations + Nibbles (I think the fact that we waited out front like lemmings before they opened was HI-larious) Annnnd called it a day. Well, except me. Who went home to study for a test that I failed (Feckers) and made a stop over to Target ‘cause I felt all feisty and stuff. And finally got my big box ‘O bang.

They didn’t even do the embarrassing price check this time. Word.

Comment du juor: I was told "I love it how you switch/get off topics so quickly! It's HI-larious!"

Yeeeahh. I can tell you 2-200 people who'd probably argue the exact opposite.


Frethem said...

Ah the Target run... I also made a stoppage to the bulls-eye to pick up some wants\needs on Sunday. Per usual I went for gladware and left with many other things. At least I got the humidifier I so sorely needed in the house.

The show was a heck 'o' lot 'o' fun my man... and I 2nd the Gorgeous part of your MD... but I never actually spoke to her so I'll have to take a 5th on the charming part. I do know this... I'm more than just a wee bit 'fraid of her!

Unknown said...

I am not scary at all :)
Maybe a little crazy, but that is because I am from where they send all the crazy people to - England!.
note to self - must stop quoting from the show in public.

P said...

Nooooo, no, no, no....

They send all the English crazies to Australia. EnTIREly peopled with English criminals. Which is why, I'm guessing, you're probably gonna wind up there next. Killing Great White Sharks with your bare mitts. (You'll wind up getting hired by notable shark experts Ron and Valerie Taylor to swim around outside their shark cages, side-kicking the randier sharks.)

No. I'm serious, loyal readers. She's actually part-fish. I can't make this up.

Gills. And flippers.

Target could charge a $5 cover and I'd still wind up buying more s#it than I needed.

And I just snuck up behind the chubby sergeant and said in my outdoor voice:


Frethem said...

You're scary because you could beat me like a red-headed step child... How about that? I can only base my theroies off the show and Mikey. :-)

Unknown said...

I am sure that Mikey would only tell you stories of how gentle I was with him....right Mikey???

P said...

(Can you all feel the menace behind that statement? My keyboard is actually vibrating.)

Awwwww , you know that you were my favorite fight. ; )

(I bet a bright shiny penny that I get a reminder about all the times I accidentally grabbed her "Ta".
And about how ridiculously awful I felt after punching ya in the beak. Captain Control, I am.)

: (

Olgoce: Little known Native American tribe. The communicate via tickling. "Olgocee goceee GOO!"

Frethem said...
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Frethem said...

HAHAHAHA! That's funny P... 'accidentally'... hehehe... ha... ho...

um, ok... composure. *snicker*

Thought I'd repost it after I realised how bad my spelling was. OOPS!

tallen said...

absolutely i got your back P... you know it!
I felt like I was sitting w/ some super slick Hollywood movie star w/ the people just absolutely having to say something to the fabulous actor they just watched perform. The folks were actually really cute too... they were all shy about saying anything to P... I think they even giggled and said something like, "*snicker* honey, i got to touch his shoulder... did you see that? I'm never washing this hand again!"
I was honored to be at the table with you!

um... wow... i don't think i've got anything for that one...
weak, i know... sorry folks