Thursday, January 05, 2006

My arm smells like Chinese Food.

Okay, so technically not food.

Our esteemed director brought a bottle of Dit Da Jao to rehearsal last night. For the layperson, it's a potent little mix to be rubbed on bruises and bumps, and is also rumored to "toughen the skin". It is favored by Kung Fu stylists, who tend to spar/practice using boo-too forearm strikes.

After our Hamlet used some on himself, he asked if I needed any (On the aforementioned "Ker-whacked" forearm) I agreed, and he did the applying and the rubbing and the smacking (Kinky, I know.) Ophelia had some put on her bruises (My bad girl. Until ya tell me otherwise I'm still gonna do it that hard. ) aaaaannnnd...

I took a sniff. Hmmmm...this smells like Chinese Food. Well, not exactly like Chinese Food, but you know. Like a poultice-homage to Chinese Food. And even after getting cleaned up afterwards, I still could faintly smell it this morning.

But... my arm isn't sore today. Dit Da JAO!!!!!


Unknown said...

I woke up this morning with a couple of bruises on my arm. Funny that.
I got a ton of sympathy in work when I explained how I got them by being beaten to the ground by you :)
Ok, maybe slight exaggeration but it makes a good story.
Keep hitting me dude ;)

P said...

Just don't start wearing dark sunglasses to work. I'm gonna wind up with a call from a social worker. ; 0

