Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Kinda reminds me of "Short Circuit"

"# 5 is alive!!!", you know...back when Steve Guttenberg was cool?

I'm going out on a limb by saying 2005 was a re-dick year. Therefore, '06 will be for P:
  • A year of travel (I gotta line on trips, yo. SF, LA, NYC, I may even try Vega$ again...I'm gone)
  • Professional Growth (I've got way too many Business Analyst and Ins. Classes lined up. )
  • I'm going to get cast in challenging shows. (Not just the one's that beat the tar outta me.)
  • More time with Family
  • More time with Friends
  • More time on House Projects
  • More time at the Dojo

And most importantly- I'm sinking this introspection trend. I believe that I should take this year as an opportunity to experience the journey, and take a minute afterwards to reflect.

Bogarted from Portana "That which is 5 and good!!!"-

5 Snacks I Enjoy: The cherry at the bottom of a Tom Collins, Pinot Grigio, St.Croix Vineyards Raspberry Infusion Dessert Wine, Yogurt covered Pretzels

5 snacks I actually snack on: Yogurt, Carrot Sticks, Banana's, Fat Free Cottage Cheese, Plain Pretzels. Yeah.

5 Musical Artists I like: Sting (and the Police), Prince, Miles Davis, Sarah MacLachlan, Showtunes. (Read my profile fer pete's sake!)

5 Things I would do with $100,000,000: Ah, dreams. I would do quite a bit more than 5 things. The biggest would be becoming a social crusader. Those who have more, need to give more.

Top 5 Locations I'd run away to: The Maldives, Maui, Madrid, Sydney in the winter, 4 corners...God's Country. Even if you aren't outdoorsy, it is incredibly beautiful.

5 Bad habits I have: Idealistic (It's burned me before, badly. Just don't mistake it for naivety, dig? It's tough to have old-fashioned ideals about love, romance, respect, acceptance, understanding...when there are so many people out there that don't.) ADHD (Yeah. It creates the impression of absent-mindedness, and I have to make sure I say a name over again in my head to remember. I'm better at it than most) Anal Retentive. (No dishes, I like cleaning, dusting, laundry, the works. ) Self-Deprecating (To a fault. Chubs, Ugly, Dumb...I'm my own worst enema somedays. Other days, we're pretty good friends.) Talking too much. (Speaks for itself. I'm working on that. )

5 Things I like Doing: Travel, Cooking, 'Fu, Exercise, and Reading.

5 Things I would Never Wear: A thong. (Once...just once. It's bad enough if I have to wear a dance belt for a show) Pre-ripped jeans (WTF? This is a trend?) Pastel/Pink (Sorry. The last pink shirt I owned was from County Seat Outlet. Ocean Pacific, or Nuovo. Yes, my brother and I loved "Miami Vice") Piercings. ('s cool if it works for you. Me? I'm a big nerve ending anyway...and I don't think I need that. Nips, Albert, Nose. I thought about it, and I just don't believe it's me. If there is a me.) Anything See-Through. (You don't wanna see that. More specifically, anything sheer-or like the fishnetty tank tops that were popular with guys circa 1982)

5 TV Shows I like: I'm not a big TV head. Actually it hasn't been on in over 5 weeks.

5 Movies I like: Yeesh. Considering how pop culture topical I am?

Okay: These'll constitute movies I can watch repeatedly, annually. They are like a good book that you know you can always fall back on.

Ghostbusters, Lord of the Rings Trilogy (It's all one story!), Star Wars (HEY, it's all one story!), The Count of Monte Cristo (2002...although this may fall out of the repetoire for a while) and one or all of the following (Not really "1", but I toss them together all the same) Kill Bills, Legend of Drunken Master, The Matrix, Kung Fu Hustle (A gem), Iron Monkey, Showdown in Little Tokyo, Rapid Fire (Seriously- Brandon Lee is one bad mamma jamma. And the Jeff Imada 'Ography is incredible) Best of the Best (So, I only fast forward this to the fights. Only because Phillip and Simon Rhee's Dad founded the concept that my karate school was based on. And the fights are bad-ass)

Red Lobster or Olive Garden. I know that it isn't the Oceannaire or D'Amico Cucina...but work just gave me a $50 gift card for winning a voiceover demo contest and it's redeemable at both. DECISIONS DECISIONS!

(I'm gonna throw my hat 1st towards the 'Slobster. More mileage for seafood, ya know?)


Unknown said...

Olive Garden wins hands down.

Portana said...

I gotta agree with MD--Olive garden is so much better than the slobster...Red Lobster is a$$.

Frethem said...


I usually go twice a month for lunch since there is one close to my work.

P said...

I'm still leaning toward 'Slobster. I mean, even I can throw noodles in a pot and not foul it up royally. $50 could buy me an OG restaurant. (Although yes, I love their breadsticks and minestrone. There. I said it. And I feel better about it. Annnnd scene.)

'Slobster has got more protein choices/Omega-3 fatty acids. I can opt for carb friendlier meals and even if their is still a difference in the tab the $50 would make a dent. (Including apps/Lobsterita's. Wait, the cheesiness factor of actually saying the word "Lobsterita" is causing me doubt.)

(sighs) And, as for an "Anti-Carb Friendly" deal, the Slob of Redliness does have cheddar bay biscuits. An endless supply of cheddary biscuity goodness.

Or hush puppies. Gawd, does anyone have memories of hush puppies? I swear that was all we ate when we'd go to seafood restaurants as kids.

kjpxwi? Kage' Pixie Wing? I got nuthin'...

P said...

Annnnd, forgetting and additional bad habit-oes:

I swear too much. Way too much.


I'm fairly certain many people consider me obnoxious. Loud, Boisterous, Bellowing...yup. Keep me outta the China shop. Tallen knows. I freaked out in the Marshall Fields crystal section for fear of breaking things with my obnoxious chi.

tallen said...

We both freaked out... I just tend to freak out quietly :-) (sometimes)

I know I'm late, we've already discussed that though, but, my vote is for Lobster... wait, damn it... still not a citizen... can't vote! crap! never mind.