Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It's not just fancy

Or maybe it's because I'm a random dork, but...

I've been contemplating getting a Tatt.

I know, I're all saying "Garsh P, you said that you'd neeeeever get a tatt. Some bull-hiney about 'Blah-de-blah-de I like my body the way it is blah-de-blah-de and some other stuff about 'I have freckles and moles, you know? Real biological tattoo's".

Yeah. Well. Yeah.

So. In the interest of jumping on the bandwagon, I plan on getting the Japanese character for the word "No"*. Ehhh? Ehhhhhh? Get it? GET IT?!?!

That's the point.

Right next to my hip bone. I've been informed that it'll hurt. As long as I have someone to hold my hand, I should be golden. I've mulled this over as I don't want to make some half-baked regrettable decision, and honestly? I think I can live w/ a little tattoo right there.

(* Not to be confused with "Noh", the Japanese masked theatre form. Did you know that the lead actors in Noh are called Shite? Do any of my other juveniles think that is some funny shi-...nevermind)


P said...

Wow, Rambler. A sine wave? I smell advanced placement math wiz. (btw- I kid, because I can only count up to 8. FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT! Okay...that was much dorkier.)

I had some other idea's:
A tattoo of Herve' Villechez. Get it? A tattoo of Tattoo...(Right. No "Fantasy Island" fans online right now)

Or: Single Tatt's on both arms and legs and one on my chest.

Red Lion and Green Lion on the arms, Yellow Lion and Blue Lion on the legs, and Black Lion on the chest. GO VOLTRON FORCE!!! No? Call Pidge, Sven, Hunk, or Lance.

Or: (RSVP's idea) A tattoo that says- "I'm not going to tell you" in Chinese Characters. If someone asks you what it means: (Bah dum dum)

tallen said...

I like the last idea... "I'm not going to tell you."
But, I think I told you I like the "NO" idea when you brought it up before... didn't I? I wanted to... I meant to...
I've just got the one. Obligatory lower back female tatoo. Haven't regretted it since the day I got it. Took me forever to settle on what I wanted, but once I settled... I was totally settled. I think that's a big thing about it... if you're even questioning what to get, WAIT. You can always do it next week or next month... it's a lot harder to get it removed if you decide you don't really want a massive Oscar the Grouch on your chest. Ya know?!
Can I offer to hold your hand? I'd think the hip would hurt less than the lower back... right? And, that really just was kind of an irriating tickle. Not real PAIN.

back the fuuuuuuuuck off!

Frethem said...

I love my tat personally... It's an original piece that the artist had drawn up that I just loved.

Here da thing about tattoo's:

Fatty tissue hurts less. Bones hurt more. Obviously more sensitive areas are going to hurt more also. (Like with an arm band the underside of the arm hurts a lot)

When I had mine done it wasn't too bad until I got to my shoulder then the whole thing rattled into my skull. Ish.

What about Chinese characters that say "Your Mom"?

fllgngx - "Flinging Xavier" a new drama about a gay black man and his monkey.

P said...

Yeeeeah. I'll bite.

'Bout 2-3 months ago the filthy b@$t@rd spammers started jamming the inboxes. So, I turned on the word verification option on in order to prevent those sassy b!tches from clogging the airwaves.

Knowing my mind, I decided to make it a lil' fun exercise where you'd use the word verifyer to make up a f#cked up word.


F@hk. That's tough.

"A wondrous quotient"?

So, not too filthy or dirty, but you get the jist.

Okay, so this is what I do to stay sane. Please humor me. I'm fragile. That's Italian.

Portana said...

Ok, P---
I am not against tattoos obviously, since I have two of them. But, I worry about your timing.

Post "you know what" tattoos can lead to remorse. Wait at least six months then think on it again.

If you do get one, go for the fat like Kaiser said. The one on my high ankle was nary a tickle--the one on my hip--mother trucker, that sob hurt near the bone. Start small--you can always add to it and unless you are Matthew McC (who btw, sounded like he was ripped on the peoples choice awards last night) make sure you can hide it when needed (ie acting gigs).

Hope that helps--


snoose used? I dont know...

Frethem said...

That's one comment I'll make... I'm pretty sure my tat cost me about a 5K acting gig. C'ourse how often are you up for playing Jesus at a big ass church in Eden Prarie?

P said...

He also made a perfect Dracul. Just sayin... ; )

I hear what yer saying.(It's the one thing that's causing me doubt.)We'll see. (McConnaughey was RIPPED did you say? I'm shocked and appalled. And Shappalled. Frassin' McConnaughey. Frassin' abs!)

Maybe I'll get a tattoo of a co-sine?


"Ho's for sale on QVC?"