Friday, January 06, 2006

It's finally here

I love opening night.

I love it.

"God I love it so..." (Patton)

I also have a tremendous love (sometimes) for rehearsal. (And you know there are days where rehearsal sucks, but you find your love) I find validation being able to make discoveries, find moments, finding your voice. It is amazing to discover who you are when you are onstage.

When someone asks "what is the favorite play/character you've ever done?" I have a hard time answering that (ADHD, you know) I end up talking about a rehearsal when I was running MacBeth at the Paramount in the 'Cloud. I was rehearsing w/Lady MacDuff & son (The scene right before she gets whacked) and it became intensely real for all of 5 minutes before I (Ross) exited. Intense. When we got up for notes, the director was crying, the dramaturg was crying, and our movement coach had left the room. I just didn't get it.

Later, the director promptly changed our tactics and the scene never had the same "Oomph" after that, even during the run. It was like an incredibly fulfilling sexual encounter with a person, only to have the next time (and subsequent follow-ups) be quickies. That's the best analogy I can create. Make sense?

But, I still had the memory of the 1st time. ; 0

I love the nervous energy of being in tech, which creates invariably the (occasional) feeling of being ready to open. (Lord knows many of my gentle readers know the feeling of standing onstage during final dress quietly thinking "Oh fuck...what the fuck are we going to do?") The inevitable shouts of "Focus" and "We need it QUIET backstage, please". I love getting to the theatre early, running my blocking/'Ography/lines before anyone gets there. I love hovering backstage. Talking to my castmates. All the way to moment any incidental closing music starts and you wait offstage for your turn to bow. (On the flip side- for the more lackluster productions, when you think "Thank God, only ___ more performances!" Seriously. A s#ite show that runs for 2 weekends can end up feeling like 3 months in Western ND if it doesn't do anything for you.)

Love it. All.

I also happen to love 'Fu. I'm okay at it. I practice. I have a helluva coach at home. And, if it is all right to say- it's one of the few activities I've been involved in that I feel good at. (See previous comment about having a good teacher.)

So what happens when you mix the two together in a comical little gimmick show? A really good time. I'm awfully proud to have been part of this process and to have been able to meet and work with some really funny and talented people, and some really badass M.A's. And you know something else? It's rare to be in a show with this much support. You wouldn't think it from the outside, but the dude's/ette's in the show are extremely supportive of one and other. And gawdamn, I don't think I'd actually need an audience. Or when Dr. Wong sez something liek "Okay, you have good control on your spins, so I'm going to come in a lot closer. Cool?" Hell yeah. Or from the get go when it wasn't just "Okay, blocking blocking blocking..." when doing stagey combat- It was, ohhhh more like "CLASH" (Quote for the quote board: MD saying "Look you just need to come up behind me and fucking grab me, okay?" Post stronger bear-hug "Yeah, thas' better.") Or going full out in a fight and being asked to "slow it down" Cool.
Maybe that's it. It's effin' Cool.

Most importantly (to me), it's gratifying to be in a show with my big brother. Go figure, the serendipity/kismet/fated moment we're in a show together. (Considering he joined Karate and I hopped on the bandwagon right after. Oh well, you figure if he's going to be in a show- What could be more perfect for him?) And I know that ham is having the time of his life. It's been a painful, bittersweet, organic experience...and a fookload of fun. I really hope that people come and see this bad boy.

That being said, I wonder if I drank a bottle of Dit Da Jao, and started sweating it out my pores during the show- Would it cure all the bumps and bruises from the inside out? Discuss.

Quote for the day: (From the mouth of big brother) : "I fucking love this kung-fu shit!" (At the end of rehearsal) : "I fucking hate this kung fu shit"

Awwww yeeeeah.

(MD looks like she has track marks on top of her forearms. I thought I was getting carpal tunnel until I realized that it was just the numbness of getting whacked.)


Portana said...

Good luck to you on your opening night! Kick some kung fu butt and break a leg (figuratively of course, considering the show you are doing)...


I dip you? eh...

tallen said...

I won't make it to the show tonight... cuz, well, I'll be at my show's opening... but, I'll be thinkin' of ya and I most certainly will come by and see this one :-)

ousew... you sew?