Tuesday, January 03, 2006

It made a noise...

"Tock!" That's what it sounded like.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

1st-Happy New Year. I hope that everybody had a safe and enjoyable NYE surrounded by people you love.* I also wanted to let you know that I may be switching format's here in a couple of weeks. There is quite a bit of archived goodness here that I'm going to need to unload, so you maybe informed of a new and improved weblog/journalishness.

That being said: Things topical.

Kung Fu Hamlet

We open this Friday. Crunchtime. Yeesh. I just started to get saavy on my first fight and last night I finally made it through the "burly brawl" final fight with Hamlet. Opening in 3 days? No problem. Incidentally, read the 'blog on the No Refunds website. HI-larious. If anyone asks, yes we do hit each other sometimes. Hard. The sound effect I mentioned earlier?

Part of my first family fight is a bear hug grab to Ophelia. She's an a very talentd Martial Artist, and to get out of the bear hug, she throws both her elbows back into me then does the whole "Bruce Lee behind the head backfist". Well...P was a little bit tooooo close. And whacko!
I fell. I look up to see Big Bro, the director, and Ophelia all looking down at me. "You okay? Things Swimmin'?" and "P, I heard that across the ROOM! AWESOME!"

All I could think of saying was "That just made me so fuckin' horny right now..."

Real charmer, that's me. Go see my show.

* (emotionally sensitive disclaimer)
I want you all to know, all of you that have listened to me over the past couple of weeks. All of you that have prrrroooobably seen me at a point in my life I that absolutely do not care for the public to see. The lowest of lows. If you've seen me out in public, doing my best to keep it together. Busted! There it is! Twin Cities Bad Boy is a big soft sappy mcsapperson! He cries! A lot!

Anyway, I would like to offer you all my heartfelt gratitude. For those gentle readers who possess the capacity to understand this, not as an ideal or an abstract- but as a gospel which with I try to live my life: You should know that the love you given has brought me the strength and hope during a fairly dark time. Believe it. Truly. Honorable traits that I could never repay, but you should all know that I have a wellspring of love and respect for you all. Cool?

I'm not quite 100% (More like 42% for those who enjoy math) but I'm mending. I'm down about 15lbs. (Which, hah, ever the optimist is sort of a blessing in terms of getting into fighting shape.)

Anyway, I still have that love and passion. In the future, you'll just be reading about it in different ways, that's all.

Happy New Years. May the best days of 2005 be the worst days of 2006.

Oh, in case you're wondering what P was doing until the wee hours. The Fine Line was a good time.


Portana said...

So I am reading your post on this list and once again had the ladies in the office looking at me like I am on drugs (which, seriously, I am not) about the song of your life being A$$ clap.

Welcome back old friend, glad you are here. *hug*

Unknown said...

Yep, that was pretty much how I would describe the sound too. I will never, ever forget that sound, and I plan never to make knuckle contact with anybody's head in that way again.
Sorry :(

P said...

Staaaaahhhhhp Iiittttt!

Folks. Go about your business, I'm fine. A veritable rock. Yee-Haw.

The worst injuries from this show are the self-inflicted ones from being a sub-par martial artist, and having a black belt in being a clod. I need a massage in a big-bad-way.

P said...

Ornery bus, btw. HI-larious.

Sounds like you've posted a recipe for P broth soup.

"Add 2 cups epsom salt to very hot water. Add chopped celery, carrots, onions, and ground pepper to taste. After browning P in a pan (Being sure to cook thoroughly to avoid all pink) add to mix. Let simmer for 10-15 minutes, and serve with a nice crusty loaf of bread. A dry white port compliments this tasty winter meal."


Tea-Juice? Like Snapple?