Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I love soup.

I'm sweating balls right now. I think I was a little overzealous with the tabascoing of my soup today (Hearty Tomato Rotini) and it sent my metabolism into overdrive.

Ugh. I just felt a trickle of sweat go down my armpit. Great, Mr. Stinky.

So, I love brothy soups, in case you’re wondering. Oh sure, there have been some instances of plowing through a tasty bisque (The best was 13 Moons Lobster Bisque that we had during my mom’s B-day a few years ago. Heaven) Clam Chowder (Again with the Frisco references) and that delightful MN staple: Chicken (Or Turkey) w/wild rice. I can’t think of the single best bowl of the Chickey Rice, but there have been times, oh yes.

Well, Mr. Freakish Eater that I am (Wait, weren’t you just Mr, Stinky? What are you, effing Sybil? ) has reverted back to his penchant for healthier brothy soup. Progresso (IMHO) for the $ is the best, and also has some really tasty choices to go with it: Chicken Rotini, Hearty Tomato, Southwestern Style Chicken (Too good for words) even a low-fat Clam Chowder which (With the addition of oysters) makes for a ridiculously good seafood stew. (I see my brother throwing up in his mouth a little bit)

Soup. One of the dumb things that make Winter okay.

I suppose I should probably qualify that I wanted to see if I could do an entire post on soup (to see if anyone gets antsy and jumps ship right away) But…

I had Chinese Food, kids. Saturday, with Ry. He was insistent on Fresh Wok (And pissed that I "wasn’t hungry" or eating) so we got that out of the way. Steamed Chicken with mixed vegetables. 1st Chinese meal I’ve eaten since 11/28/05. (How’s that for a wickedly weird memory?) And in case you’re wondering, yeah…I sweat like a hog. Body wasn’t quiiiite ready for that. And at the Dragon, I was deathly afraid of melting Mo’s eyebrow’s off when I exhaled. Just sayin’

Tonight, brilliance: I’m meeting my new friend (and possible occasional lurker) Shenanigan for some Thai food. I met S at the PW center, and she is hooking me up with a PHAT hoodie (Simple pleasures, kids. And hey? How often do you get a phat hoodie that simply says 6-1-2? NE Mipples REPRESENT!)

Busy Week this week, very busy...so hang in there, peeps.

Farg knows I am…


Frethem said...

"Hey Farva? What's that resturant you like with all the shit on the walls?"

So, I'm trying to figure out... but what the hell is bad about steamed chicken and fricken' veggies dude?

P said...

There 'taint nuttin' bad about it, ya rube. They just pile so MUCH of it in the dish. You don't think it's going to be so much food, but I kid you not that stuff expands to 3X's its size when it hits oxygen. Remarkably good food.

And carb-friendly.

Melinite said...

Expanding food is Ancient Chinese secret. On-ry Chuck Norris ar-owed to know dat secret. We ar-most tell Stephen Segal, but den he make-a "Under Seige 2." Ugh.

uytboi: boy responsible for his village's herds of uyts

P said...

Mel...I don't think the good people at Mu would appreciate the myocardial infarc you just caused me by writing that out.

Hooooooo. Funny.

And "Under Siege 2" is an under-appreciated classic. Eric Bogosian is in it fer cryin' out loud! ; )

murog? It's like the Balrog, but it works at Mu. (And it's gonna getcha for that Mel!)


P said...


1st of all you shouldn't salute a non-commissioned dork. The last time I had a big line up of folks behind me was when I was the "Line Leader" in 3rd grade. The promotion wasn't to last, and I was banished for a short period of time to...the "Quiet Chair"

B- Steroids are for cheats. This is a DARE endorsed website. Well, it isn't, but we don't allow cheaters to roam here.

3- uznofuj? You'se no fudgey?

P said...


To all the callboardians who visit HappyXmasbaby, meet coolest date ever- Orley.

Too many reasons why she's an awesome woman. (And a very dear friend. Aren't we approaching an 11th ANNIVERSARY?!)

P said...



I'll post this later, but rassin' frassin' blogger is down for maintenence. You'd think they could delete a s#itload of archived posts while they're at it?

P said...

I don't know...I had very potent Fresh Wok breaf. It'd have melted adamantium.

Puppy breath. Peeyeeew.

rcvsm? Down with recedivism!