Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy Friday Frass...


So, I get up allll early and stuff thinking "Hmmmm, since I have to work all day tomorrow doing OT- I might as well leave a little early today"

I figure I'd leave at 3pm, thereby giving me sufficient time to go home, nap, workout, and get to see "Ghosts" in plenty of time.

So I'm here by, oh, 6-6:15am. In Woodbury. Knowing I'm going to have to run back to the Grove that is Maple, 37 miles away.

When I get an email saying that I'm the "closer"tonight, soooo I get to stay until 6pm.
Closer, means "Loser" with a "C".

Six until Six. I am that guy. I want to see if I can pawn it off on my co-worker, the chubby sergeant. Lord. I think I won't make it.

Meaning I will look all sexy and unslept when I see the show tonight.
Which means no "chub-burning" jog.
Which means, no matter how late you stay...keep me occupied. Lest I be found here covered in cobwebs...Shoot. I may as well spend the night here since I have to be back in the a.m.

This seems like so much of a Debbie Downer blog, so I'll try to lighten it up with something:

Twinkies have an actual shelf life of around 37 days. (Unlike the urban legend of, Ohhhh, 100 years.)

Which doesn't matter 'cause I still wouldn't eat the filthy mo-fo.

Ghosts tonight!
Possible Pat Show/Dancing/Big Brother-palooza tomorrow
Sunday is back to what? THAT'S RIGHT loyal readers: HOME PROJECTS (Screaming throngs all stand and rejoice.) I gotta make the new roomies room look all royal and stuff.

'Cause he's a king, baby.



Frethem said...

Ghosts we shall see soon
No matter what you look like
I still will like you

vgrrr - VigoRRR! MikeyP shall attack his evening with it renewed.

tallen said...

cream filling on you slacks... i can't tell if that's icky or, well, not icky.

hope ya likey the show... i hear it's pretty darn good, but the lighting really sux ass... go figure.

the black sheep of the teletubby family... efin' tubby

Portana said...

See I came into work this morning at 6:15 am and my butt is leaving at 2:30 come hell or high water.

BTW--someone refresh my memory on what makes a haiku a haiku. I think it may be the amount of words used but I am not sure...slept through that english class in college (and it was my minor)!

mjfluc--michael jackson fluke!

Unknown said...

You forgot to add - Sunday night, kicking MD in the head at teh junction. :)

P said...

I don't need a cage there, do I?


Fiddle Hitz? I'm gonna "round-house kick" MD so hard she's going to hear Charlie Daniels "The Devil went Down to Georgia"

; )

(In case y'all are wondering, if I go to the junction I'll be paying $5 to get my ass handed to me. Most people go to foreign countries and pay money for that kind of treatment. Like in the movie "Hostel". So yeah, go watch your good friend P get his spotty buttocks served to him by a talented martial artist. I will always fall prey to her powerful cabbage fist. Or if she has gas.)

Unknown said...

Bring it on baby.
And no you don't need a cage.

P said...

Here's a haiku that will help ease my suffering (After my Sunday A$$ whomping.) No,it doesn't take the "typical" format but I like it anyway:

We Smile
Even at Death
This Happy Morning.