Monday, January 23, 2006

El Wochenende

Spanish and German. Or, Sperman. Ew.

Was good. Sehr gut, in fact. Let's see, y'all know about Moo-Rackle Worker. (Which was great)

Sats was a different story, having to come into the oriface to write a boatload of correspondence to clients and brokers (yaaawn) all in the interest of OT. Once that poopy day was done, I was reminded of how much of a completely insensitive a$$ I can be. (ahem)

Ry-gonn: "Hey, what did you do last night?"
Moi: "Saw Miracle Worker. Took your mom on a date."
Ry: "Huh. What're you doing tonight?"
Moi: "I'm not sure. Big brother called and asked me to come to dinner. I'm thinking about checking out Ghosts over @ TRP, then heading to the Garage for the closing party of Miracle, then meeting Dorajar for thingytails. Why, what did you do?"
Ry: "Not much. It was my birthday yesterday, sooooo..."

I sort of zoned out after that. Yeah. Thoughtful P. Very Thoughtful. Aren't you going to be the best man in his wedding? Or is that more like..."weren't you going to be?". I'm a dumbass.

So. Plans got trumped so I could hang with my best friend (And finally get him his b-day/X-mas presents. Honestly, I've been so wrapped up in my own s#it am I that blind to the world around me? Probably. ) He was grossly happy with his haul (A Darth Vader mask, and a ton of Star Wars Schwag. Including a Jedi robe. Oh yeah. I hooked a brother up.) We ended up watching "The 40 Year Old Virgin" (Yeah yeah. I told everyone to see it. Numerous times. Because it was f#cking hysterical.)

So yeah. A sweet lil' cast party over at the Garage followed (Bulletin board quotes include: "You look very 'noirish' with the whole overcoat/fedora thing*." And my fave "You smell like gas station bathroom soap". ("That's funny, sweetie...since I actually did take a bath at the gas station") Out of the mouths of babes, people.) The night was capped off with a nice convo at the Dragon. Apparently Pond Hockey roolz! And sooomeone needs to see "Mystery, Alaska". I'm just sayin'.

Sunday: It was perfect. The perfect brunch with some darn near perfect people. (I can't really speak for m'self) AND we surprised the hell outta someone who normally doesn't get the hella surprised out of her. And I laughed an awful lot. Not a bad Sunday.

* So I watched "Mississippi Burning" again, and I got all feisty because they all wore stinkin' Fedora's. So, y' seemed like a pretty good idea at the time. Not like it was even a full fedora. More like a mini-fedora. Or a "Halfora". Something.


Melinite said...

Damn, boyo, does anyone have the energy to keep up with you or your blog? I think you've posted 46 times since I read this last.

Sounds like you had a much more entertaining weekend than I did, even though I got to watch my husband stip all the time. Ha ha.

Thanks for making me smile this morning. :) Now some hot green tea, and work can commence.

bdorz: Where B movie actors enter.

tallen said...

I got to see you every single day this freakin' weekend... I just realized that. YAY :-)
Was it gas station soap? or restaurant soap? I'm just remembering the visual of you holding your arms up so the spray nozzles could get yer pits... um, yeah... HOT!

that's a toughy...
I'm coming up with nothing but lameness, so, I shall leave it be.

P said...

You watched your husband strip? Is that what you meant? I'm sorry melinite, but I just don't post that kind of material on my site...I try for PG-13 rating, Maaaaybe a soft "R" on account of my eloquent cursing.


Holee Shi'balls I did see you everyday! How awesome is that? (You and the huge-ass. I'm kinda bummed that snowmobiling won't work out.)

It was gas-station soap. I thought it was Hugo Boss, but yeah.

Sorry folks, I'm lying. I don't own a home, I live in a van down by the river, and take baths at Holiday. Happy? ; )


Lippy Fact? The Facts of Lipp? "You take the good you take the bad and something something then you have the Facts of Liiiiipppp, the Facts of Liiiipppp!"


P said...


A retraction. FeeJ does not, I repeat does NOT have a Hugh-Assman. She is a Petite and delicate flower . And pretty gawdamn funny, is all I'm saying. (btw- That's an inside yolk towards her guy. Who does, indeed, weigh 600 lbs. He looks thin, but he has maaasssss.)

Aw, dora...imagine if we tried to have even 2 wondrous punches apiece? We would have had to been scraped out of the booth with an ice chipper.

And I think that we'll need to add "Slapshot" to our queue if we're talking uplifting underdog stories.

vhakan? Vhaka Khan? "Lemme rock ya Vhaka Khan..."

Portana said...

Mystery Alaska was on the boob tube this past weekend (Saturday I think). Sorry P, but really--not so much.

twoolm-gollums half brother.