Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Easy Peeves

Lots of Peevish Peccadilloes since we're so busy. It's getting frustrating trying to finish any assignments b/c my co-workers keep coming up with questions! Here are some examples of more (little) annoying things that chap my hide. These are closer to P than most, but you’ll get the jist.

Leaving the the grocery store and you’re following someone who has a cart. As soon as they exit (Cub/Rainbow/wherever) they just. STOP. And you nearly pile into them. I call it "State Fair Syndrome". I also call it "annoying". What, do you have a frickin’ shock collar now? Sheesh. MOVE!

The dude in our conservation unit who found out that I’m an actor and now, NOW decides to come over and talk about the show he’s in. And he sings. A lot. Mostly he starts up when he walks by my desk. He looks like a larger version of Tim Curry, which normally would be cool, except this guy doesn’t wash his hands after using the men’s room. Ever. That last part is my biggest peeve.

Commenting on my diet. Please? Sheesh. I eat. I do. I get enough to get by and stay energized and focused. I avoid the superfluous cal’s b/c really? Really. I don’t need’em. FYI:
1 Cup Yogurt, 1 banana, 1 box raisins, 10 pretzel rods, 2 cups of soup, ½ cup of cottage cheese, and a little something else snacky later in the day. It’s good. I don’t feel hungry. And it makes for a cheap date, since I’m only good for a 3 drink minimum. That last part is untrue. Strawberry Vodka on the other hand…whew. Oh, and stop treating the fact that I might eat a piece of chocolate once in a blue moon as an act of God. It’s a fact that God happens to look like Richard Simmons. Except female. When it rains, she’s doing step-aerobics.

Finding out I do ‘Fu, then trying to hit me. I’ve railed on this before, but man. We hit back. Seriously.

When the ladies in Policy Accounting have a potluck. Which they do. Bi-Weekly. It makes the poor team members that work in my department get so damn mad that they are tethered to their desk for 8.5 hours. I feel their pain.

Hypocrites. Say, 1 thing. Act/Do another. That’s really general, but you know- Know thyself.

Condescending P#icks. If you do it towards me? Don’t. Listen to yourself. Listen to how you sound. Do you think I don’t hear it? And if you don’t care, do you think I want to hear it? And if you don’t care, cover your S’nuts. For they may be removed.
That’s about all for today.

Whenever I've ever done any or some of the above list. Sorry. I do wash my hands.


Unknown said...

p you don't eat enough :)
Oh and you smell.
Thought I would just get that out there in the open.
Your hair is nice though :)

Yeh, today is one of those, WTF days, my emotions are like a rollercoaster today and the stupid idiot who decided to cut me off the road because he was too busy talking into his cellphone!!! Let me tell you, some harsh words came out of my mouth.

P said...

Yes, dora, I got my period...okay? Happy that the blog-o-sphere knows my cycle? Thaaaanks. ; )

I eat plenty. I got a whoooole deep freezer full of chopped up dead hooookkkk-hey hey hey! Cabbage girl.

(I have to listen to MPR otherwise I'd have an aneurysm during my commute. I yell at everyone.)

I smell like Betty the Basset hound, love. We both eat 16 cocktail onions and a clove of garlic before going out in public.