Friday, January 13, 2006

Do you miss it?

High School that is. I know a lot of peeps that really didn’t like it. They think of it as a really dark and awful time in their lives. Really Really.

Me? I had a pretty good time of it all. This comes to mind because we took the show to SF HS out in the sticks to perform for the kids. Well, I was under the distinct impression that we’d be doing it for the Glee Club, or the Theatre Geeks.

What I wasn’t expecting was close to 500 kids in a packed auditorium. Yeah.

It was a pretty big space, and most of the action took place down over the covered-pit, which we were informed was "brand new". It was sort of sprung, so whenever I did jumpy-spinny moves I caught a little more air than I’m used to getting at Intermedia. A while ago, I tried doing jumpy-spinny type moves on a trampoline with less than stellar results. (coughcough sprained ankle coughcough) That’ll teach me to try and give the ol’ tramp a stamp before a show. Do with that what you will.

Y’know something? Even though we condensed the heck out of it, we all still enjoyed a pretty smooth run.

Afterwards, we enjoyed a little Q and A with the students, where once again I proved that if I’m given a microphone I’ll use it as an opportunity to blab and blab and blab for days. The questions were cute: We had the teen mumblers ("Uhhhhh, yeah, so like, uhhhhhh, do you like, uhhhhhhh, do Kung Fu for real…Uhhhhhh, and stuff?) We even had "the dude" ask a question (You know "the dude". THE dude. The one in HS that eeeeeverybody wants to sit by during lunch period.) This kid was a smooth criminal, and his comment was: "Uhhhh, this is like, uhhh for Ophelia- I just want to say, uhhhhh, that you have the most breathtaking eyes."* (A response which got the crowd allllll riled up. Lil’ smoothie. And here’s me thinking that I had all the all-new old cheap lines. A new generation of old-school schmoozers cometh.

So, the show was received really well, even garnering the cast a complimentary email from one of the staff. It got me thinking that it’d be cool if this show was picked up and sent on the road. You know. We could do prison shows ala’ 10,000 things. Women’s prison shows even. Oooooooooo, chained heat.

Have a good weekend folks. Remember that most of us have Monday off (YEAH!) and remember above all else the man who’s birthday we’re remembering. One of my hero’s.

*Apparently he’s never seen those breathtaking eyes when they are preparing to engage in FIERCE COMBAT TO THE DEEEEAAAATH! I have…oh yes…I have…(shudders) They still haunt my dreams…


P said...

I should probably also make mention that after hearing I'd be jumping and falling on a pit cover, I started entertaining these ridiculous notions of landing from a jump. Hard.

And then my fat-ass keeeerashing right through, into the pit. Low center of gravity, I have.

Unknown said...

You get Monday off?
Not fair.
Well at least I have a nice pair of eyes :)

P said...

Just nice eyes?

Whhoooooops!!! HEY-OHHHH!!

I think we should do high school shows more often.

kjrvk: Too gross for me to even type.