Thursday, January 26, 2006


Frassin' Blogger. Frassin' down!

And here's me with a boat load of commentary.

Like the 3 ladies I caught today wearing Red Shirts and khaki's. Um, like, didn't you get the memo that it was red-shirt "Wednesdays?" Helllooo?

We have new microwaves at work for my soup-cookin'. (The old ones were cracked, and apparently that causes microwave emissions into the room.) I asked the guy replacing them if long enough exposure would give me powers like the Human Torch or (coughcough) "Mr. Fantastic" if youknowwhutI'm sayin'...wink wink? I admired his wise response: "No speake' Englee"...

(Still. To be able to stretch and elongate, you know...any part of your body? Sick.)

So, the new microwaves are these industrial "Turn Dial" so you need to turn the knob to the length of time you want. No biggie, but coming off of the old digital push-button jobbies we had before...shoot, I must have stood there staring at the knobs for at least 5 minutes. "How the fuck am I supposed to...Ohhhhhhh..."

In response to the comment from earlier today "If you love coffee so much, P, why don't you marry it?" I can only say this: Yes, I am in love with coffee, and it's my great pleasure to announce our engagement. I know that it sounds like it may be "too soon"to some of you, but we truly and deeply feel the commitment + dedication that is meant for two beings in love. A Fall wedding is planned. RSVP's can be sent c/o House Blend. Email responses can be CC'd to Sumatra.

Whoooo, a little too much tabasco in the soup today.


Frethem said...

I'll get you the Karma Sumatra book as a wedding present. I hear they have several different positions for French Roasting your "beans".

P said...

I actually only drink the cream and sugar, adding the coffee later as an afterthought.

Mmbky? Mmmmmm, Bakey. Something Homer Simpson would say about a plate full of cookies?

tallen said...

I usually like to add a dash of coffee to my cream... it gives it a nice flavor.

Seriously did that the other day... I add my cream and sugar first, cuz, well, then I don't have to stir my coffee (I'm lazy, what of it?!). But, upon my early morning pour, I forgot I was in fact creating a cup of coffee and filled my cup about 1/2 full of cream. Oops. But, one must persevere in this day and age and I topped off my cream with a dash of coffee and drank away. Yummmm.

someone who began to say egotistical, but got smacked in the belly as they said it...
"well, I don't think I'm so much ego- *whack* axakackjdadfa... OW!"

P said...

Nope. I think last Sunday when I was pouring my coffee and I grabbed the OJ instead of the creamer was prrrrooobbably the biggest dumbass moment at the casa del P. Adding insult to injury was the fact that, oh, I don't know, I decided to actually add creamer and DRINK IT!

(I thought it would taste like a exotic treat. Notsomuch. It tasted like orangey butt.)

nafelz? That was the last name of the dude who had sex with my high school girlfriend! I'm go kick he ASSSS!

P said...

Nope. I ate freeze dried coffee from the Grange Strathmore Hotel, and gargled with Listerine and OJ.

OBA. Original Bad A$$...

Lrnvt? Learn from it...

tallen said...

It might kill Chuck... but Vin would have that followed by some nice greezy, oily, dirty 3/8" bolts to wash it all down and still want more!

Portana said...

so I'm not feeling so bad about the OJ I poured into my cereal the other day. I couldnt eat it though--it make go down the same hole but it has to past taste buds.

imgkczf=I am a geek-certified

Roman said...


You don't know anybody that can send me anywhere, much less Sumatra.


Oh. You meant the OTHER kind of RSVP.

My bad.

Cream and sugar with a splash of coffee is how civilized people drink their caffeine. Drinking it straight is the coffee equivalent of drinking your white zin from a box.

I actually like my coffee like I like my women.

Ground up and in the freezer.

rxpykbno proxy bonk (When you can't put out on a date so you have your proxy fill in for you.)