Friday, January 06, 2006

Because these days, you want to know...

Ask me a question. Any question. And I'll answer it 100% honestly. However in return, I get to ask you a question back which you must answer with honesty as well.Anyone else can join in answering a question as well that has been previously asked, as if the question had been asked to them. They can then ask a question as well. And so on and so forth. Thinking of it as a confessional/get to know people pyramid scheme.Here's your chance, kids. That thing you've either been dying to know, or dying to get me to admit in a public forum. No holds barred, and anonymous comments are fair game.

I s'pose this is kinda dumb, since I am an open book in all things (Well, I reserve the right to withhold 25-32% of my life for privacy issues)

Ax away!


Unknown said...

If you could spend the day with someone you admire (living or dead or imaginary), who would you pick?

P said...

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr or Atticus Finch.

Or "She-Hulk"...just because.

Back atcha:

If tonight was the last night you were to be here on earth-

What would you do, who would you want to spend it with, where would you want to be?

Unknown said...

I would spend it with my Dad, on the beach in Mauritius listening to nothing but the sea lapping on the sand. I would sit down and tell him about how I aspire to be everything that he is, and how grateful I am that he brought me up to become the person that I am today. The thing I miss most about being over here in the States is my Dad, all of those little things that I do, that I know would make him really proud and all of those silly moments that we share just goofing around. So my last moments on earth would be relaxing, on the beach with the most important person in my life.

Portana said...

Heres my question-
In this past month or so, did you still see humor in the day to day life or had your view on how you looked at things changed?

P said...

Nice answer MD. I'd want to do the same. Mom, Dad, Ro, Co, Rocky the dog. On a beach, somewhere warm. Just talking about us. Talking about stories when we were younger. Crazy stuff. How Mom and Dad had such significant influence on who we became, and how important they have been in our lives.

P said...

Mo'ps: (And this'll seem a little blue)

A perfect day is one where I have no obligations or responsibilities. Someplace warm with sunshine and the smell of an ocean nearby all day. (San Diego, San Fran, Laguna Niguel. Barring that, I'll take 4 corners for some warm, dry, desolation.)

I would work out in the outdoors. Run barefoot on a beach (W/o fear of stepping on a hypo, or a washed up portuguese man'o'war.) I'd run outside up hills and use the things that nature set out for us to play on- Hills, Mountains, Buttes. I'd Practice. I'd Climb, walk. Get little cuts and bruises from the effort. And then spend the rest of the day outside in a chair, in the fresh air...reading. To be able to get through chapter after chapter without having to put the book down and get back to work. Or get back onstage for a scene. Or be obligated to be somewhere.

If it's a perfect day and I'm away from home, I'd like to be at a nice hotel. I'm a little spoiled after staying at a Ritz-Carlton and "W", so I wouldn't mind being at one of those high-falutin' places. Then, I'd like to be with a woman I love, or trust, or care about very much and go someplace nice for dinner. Or not. Eff, get room service and a bottle of Pinot Gris and relax in 700 tc Egyptian Cotton sheets. Then have a nice leisurely night of "big kid time". Many times. Without rushing, or hurrying, or having to answer a phone.

Just a quiet perfect day is always a little more perfect with someone you love.

Barring that fantasy, I wouldn't mind just a whole day. At home. Relaxing. And again, reading.

How'z about y'all? YOUR perfect Days!?!?!? (Although, I think redwright and my 2nd perfect day are alike. She sends FW and the kids to a waterpark, and stays at home reading in the quiet.)

P said...

Hoooo, Portana. You up'n went there.

Yes. I had to. And I couldn't help it. Yeah, there was some moments of sturm and drang, but I really couldn't "not" see past the ridiculous humor in life. Even during the "lame period" I still had to be me. I wanted to shave off a lot of ideals and character traits (thinking that I wasn't being realistic, or that I was being overtly optimisitic.) I talked a lot, with a lot of dear people who let me know that it was cool to be that way. I've always had a pretty good grasp of myself and the people I surround myself with- And from there it was a question of getting back in touch with that. (And convincing myself)

Make sense? It helped my resiliency to be a little shallow too, otherwise I wouldn't be in the place I'm in right now- Which is pretty dang good.

Portana said...

Tanks for sharing P--just wanted to make sure life doesnt change even though life trys to...

As for my perfect day. Get up, nice long run, a day at the spa--hair, make-up, toes, nails, massage) then off with a personal shopper to pick out a new outfit. Then to a coffee shop to just be and maybe read a magazine. A nice dinner at a lovely restaurant then perhaps a drink out with a friend or two. Yes, that would be my perfect day.

P said...

Awwwww shucks.


Frethem said...

Alright Mikey... you asked for it...

If you had to give up one fo your loves for good (Matrial Arts or Acting) which would you choose and why?

bzbxoyvv - Uh... I got nothin

P said...

I'd give up the "matrial arts" in a heartbeat. Just not "Martial Arts"

'Cause I love it and stuff.

Roman said...

Why does mom like you best?


P said...

I bribe her with Maple Nut Goodies. They are her kryptonite.

fmsvdhkw? I got nothin', but that has to be the longest effin' word verification I've ever had to type.