Friday, January 20, 2006

All right ramblers...start ramblin'...

I’ve noticed something. ("Really, Captain Observant? What might that be?")

I pal around with a lot of ramblers. A lot. C’mon, you know what a rambler is? Restless spirits. Wanderers, searchers. Travellers. Peep’s that are not made to settle. Who’d be fine in a tent in the middle of the Desert in the great unknown. Gypsies. Nomads. I gotta tell you, I admire the hell out of people that do that. I do. Who have the means to get up and go. Or even the ones who don’t, and get up and go anyway. You can see it in their faces when you meet them. My girl Bear was like that. We used to road trip allll over and back. Sometimes as close as Superior. Once as far down as Nashville. Many moons ago when we were together, I remember watching her get the itch. MN wasn’t the place for her. Soooo, she hopped on a plane and took off for Namibia. She’s been back a couple of times, taking care of children with AIDS in orphanages.

I happen to like to travel too. I love being there. I like getting out on the street and doing reconnaissance. Walking around. (I always lose weight on vacays. Weird, huh?) Where am I close to? What’s within walking distance? Where are the museums? (I always have to find the local museums, but hey...I'm a geek. Even if it's some boring ass shit like the crappy cowboy museum in Medora, ND) What’s on the busline? I talk to the hotel concierge’s, people that work in the area. I love researching where I’m going ahead of time. What foods are they known for? Did you have clam chowder in a bread bowl when you were in SF? You know damn right I did. Did you have seafood in Boston? Hell yes. Did you get fish and chips in London? Yeah, but I was a little non-plussed so I opted for the prawns on a baguette.

Sometimes I even like it when I get a little lost. It can be scary, no doubt…but sometimes you happen upon wonderful things too. I love getting to know some of the language’s of other places. The sounds of their voices, the intonations, the difference between Alabama, Mississippi, or even TX accents. Teaching myself simple phrases and conversations, trying to emulate the appropriate inflections so that I don’t sound like a complete Eurocentric dork when trying to ask where the toilet is in Spanish. ("Good pronuciation" was all she said.) I mean, how can you not think that that is cool?

Well, I have a house now. A cute fixer-upper that getting fixer-upped. And the complexity that is P, has got me divided into two camps: I have a responsibility to my home. To it’s re-conditioning and maintenance. Except the "now"ness of my life has got me itching to travel. I’ve got some trips planned that should help a budget saavy guy like me get to both coasts b4 the year is out, so that’ll probably get that bug out of my butt.
I’ve decided to call my house the "Base of Operations". Or maybe the "Hall of Justice", just without the Wonder Twins and that goofy ass blue monkey. (I think that Casa del P is fine) The casa is always going to be a place that I can come home to. The world is going to be my stomping grounds.

MN is my home.


Unknown said...

You didn't like fish and chips?

tallen said...

My sister started, a while ago, trying to live life like a tourist. Meaning... while living in St Paul... and having grown up here pretty darn near her whole life... well, look in the paper for the neat stuff.
Try to look at the cities like you were a tourist and see what you will come up with. Instead of just going to the same ol' bar everynight... find a new one. Look for a show being put on that got a good review - not one that your friends are in. An art show. A dog show. A boat show. Whatever.
That's how I "found" Emma's... I read a review in the City Pages and it stuck w/ me. Normally, I would have said, "Hey, JP's is just down the road, let's go there. I always go there after shows at the Jungle... let's run over there." But, nope... we tried something new. Yay. And it was good. Yay.

**legal disclaimer**
I'm not saying that it'll always be good... you might run across some crap this way too... just so ya know ;-)

hmmmm... I see more oysters for some reason...

Roman said...

He's a Yank. And the Fish and French f'n Fries in the States are better then across the pond, anyway. You may have invented it, but we perfected it.

P said... was supposed to be fish? It tasted kind of like earwax...

Truth is, I couldn't taste the fish. It was just hot oily deepfried batter in a piece of newspaper. The chips were okay. The prawn sammich was kick ass.

I've got a list of NE Eateries that I plan on hitting over the next coupla months. ( I started with POP, the smaller coffee houses, Psycho Suzi's where you ALL SHOULD GO, and the Modern Cafe) I know y'all have been to the Sample Room, and that's coming up soon- (So is Erte'. Mmmmmm Seafood and Steak)

Dorajar? Keep ramblin', rambler. You know you gots too.

P said...

And yeah...gimme Van De Camps and an order of seasoned fries any day.

Or tots'. I'm frickin' STARVIN'...GOSH!


JJ Zidilchick? I hated that a$$hole in high school...

tallen said...

Erte... yummy
Modern... yummy
Sample Room... yummy
POP... yummy
Jax... yummy... nice outside pondy thing goin' on
I haven't tried SNAP yet, but want to.

easy daddy

tallen said...

Psycho Suzi's... um, awesome! Mostly in the summer though.

P said...

Suzi's has a kick-ass menu. Their drinks KILL me.

Totally agree w/you. During the Winter it gets too crowded...Haven't been to SNAP yet, know. Me and Pizza. (Rolls eyes)

I think that I have been to Mill City with my folks. That's the one in the California Building off of California and (I think) 22nd? Is that the same one? It's an artists co-op that get's busy during the Art-a-Whirl in May. (Which,ahem, is all around my 'hood. Yeeeeeah)

My dad took me there, of all people. He's the one, FeeJ, who loves his "little discoveries".


Korn VeHoyem? The name of the next show @ MN Jewish Theatre? HEY OHHHH!

P said...

Just a little East off of Central and 29th. Not too far from Redwrights if'n you've ever been there.

Frethem said...

Speaking of the pages I ate at the City Pages 2005 Best French resturant the other night and I have to say it was fricken' aweseome! It's the closest thing I've had to French Cusine in the US... and the Escargo? Magnific! Vincient on 11th and Nicollet. Damn was it tought to lay off the vino.