Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Me Me Me and the Birthday Gimme Gimme's

Again we find the annual tradition in the "P" household around the holidays is the impossible task of prying from my parents lips an apparently dreadful and awful secret:

"What do YOU want for X-mas"? LOL. Kills me. Mom is getting a Chippendales Calendar. Dad is getting a Sudoku book. Done.

X-mases past it was an easy solution for RSvP and I: We made lists. Grand lists. Glorious lists. Big P would usually ask for some form of firearm or cutting utensil ("Dear Santa: I want a Gerber Parabellum folding serrated knife- That or a blow gun.") Mine were typically tyke- even up to my late 20's ("A big tv, a gaming system, "The Uncanny X-Men Dark Phoenix Saga Graphic Novel" The last one I got, thank you.) And annually, just to be cheeky, we'd ask for socks and undies.

(One of the greatest years of record was getting my big brother an overcoat to end all overcoats and the following year he gets me this 18th repro Scottish Basket Hilt Claymore. No lie. We're cool like that. )

I went back into hallowed antiquity (Christmas Circa 2004 of this blog) to see where I was at. Weird, having a live doc like this as a watermark for x-mas's past. What I noticed is that we stopped doing "lists" around 2004. Ki-bosh. Everything circled around Home Depot gift cards and "practical" items. This year, I think I'd like it to be similar. Goofy, but similar.

So in the interest of debt reduction and frugality, I thought I'd put together a very simple x-mas/birthday list.

Very simple:

I have two watches that I never wear. Nice ones, too. A Sylvester and Tweety watch that was a b'day gift circa 1995, and this killer Fossil watch I received as a b'day gift in 2000. (Old s.o's were always trying to get me to wear jewelry other than my ichi-yen necklace.) What's wrong...well...see: The band is broken on the WB watch, and both of them are dead. When they respectively broke/died I tossed them in my nightstand. Never to remove them. Well, until my nightstand mysteriously vanished in a puff of smoke and found my nightstand fillings emptied onto the floor. There it was. Me watch.

So I guess I just want my watches fixed.

Easy enough, right?

Otherwise, I still wouldn't be adverse to someone to volunteering to over and finish a couple of the lingering projects that I've psyched myself out of doing. (Staining and replacing the wooden door frames. Installing the ceiling fans. Role out a carpet pad. Helping install the pergo on my front porch. tacking down my kick board runners. Etc. Just a few hours on a couple Sundays, is all I'd need.)

Debt free would be great, but barring that I'm liking the idea of having people to go out with this year on the evening of the 25th. To be around my family and good friends. The prospect of this years Frass-mas being a 180 degree switch from last X-mas has got me so excited I can hardly stand it.

I think having the beverage of choice option too. Bring me a bottle of your favorite liquor and I'll keep it at my place for the next time you come over to visit/party. (Sapphire for RSvP, Jack for Dorajar or Melinite, a box of Franzia Chard-on-yay for Redwright, chocolate martini accoutrements for FeeJ, Diet Pepsi for MD. And I'm still holding onto a bottle of Sham-Pag-nah.)

I prrrrromise I won't drink it.

Otherwise I need...dumb stuff. New outdoor running shoes with extra support so my knee's don't get all frassed up. T-shirts. Long sleeve white t-shirts. Undiepants. A nice plain white dress shirt w/o buttons on the collar. (My former and only "good shirt" fell prey to the mocha accident of early 2006. And the stain? It couldn't get out...we cannot...get...out..") 3M Window treatment. A copy of the book "Freakanomics" or the graphic novels "Marvels", "300", "V for Vendetta", or "The Dark Knight Returns". A gift card to Unique Thrift's. A new sweater. Or even a fetching sweater vest. A new rib protector for 'Fu since my old one (nee: RSvP's ollllld one) is falling apart. A "Bo" which I lost when the Bloomie dojo closed down. My Mocked Up Spidey suit I've been meaning to build for 3.5 years- finished...Curtains to cover the windows...

And the "anti-froog"? (b/c I don't know when it'll happen, but it could.) I want that 32-42 inch TV to watch movies...for I do love me some movies. A TV stand that matches the dark cherry bookshelves in my TV room to set said TV on. A VHS to DVD burner to xfr old home movies/plays. A black velvet tux blazer that I would justify wearing daily until it fell apart. A sword from the movie Highlander that would be GREAT in my TV room w/my existing collection of cutlery, and "L" shaped wrap around couch that'd fit more people in my TV room, or or or plane tix to Cali...or Vegas so Mo can play roulette while I watch wistfully in the background and we can hike in Red Rock. Or a Doctor Who scarf b/c scarf's are COOL or heck, ANY geek item here:

Or here!:
(Except I wouldn't mind this: Sorry...long link. Gift cards to Azia, or a bottle of Amontillado (again) for the TV room ...get it? A "Poe" theme? I'm po', and I have..."Poe"? No?

pant pant pant pant pant...

Oh, did you want something baby P? How does it feel to WANT!!!

It's just fun. You gotta have a sense o' humor 'round the holidays lest you go crazy. Which clearly I am.

Socks, people. You can't go wrong with socks.

12 days follow up coming soon...copying the f#ck outta Melinite (Sorry love)

Happy Holidays, all! Giving is always a great thing. Find a second to donate whatever you can (Time, clothes, gifts, toys) to charity. Most of them that collect goods have a cut off after the 15th.



Unknown said...

Hey - odd jobs around the house - that is my favourite way to spend Sunday afternoons.

Call me!!!!

(but not until after Chrimbo - I'm off home)

Roman said...

I've always told you to schedule time with me and I will come over and do the projects. Just let me know, lil' brother.

Roman said...

Does anybody know where all that stuff went? I had two bos, one regular and one rattan, that I lost. Plus, although I didn't need them, I'd be bummed if he just threw out all the national trophies I left there.

P said...

I think when he left the new school on the property kept it all. Including the Powerline Wavemaster. > : (

NK F#ckers.

And you both...ooohhhh, you both don't know what you're getting into. Buh-WAH HA HA HA HA!!!