Friday, December 22, 2006

Day da Ten!

October-witz: Hella-we'en!

It was a busy and frassy month for commercial auditions where I actually landed ONE! (Dejope casino. WI readers, please let me know if you see a chattering and freezing baby P in the back seat of a big green auto) WE got out to see some teatro' (Sylvia at the Pantages/Requiem for a Heavyweight at the 'Blood) we dined at some fun N' schmancy restaurants(The new Chambers, D’amico for the Jazz, and Zelo) With so few nice (read: warm) weekends, we took advantage of a few fun and frassless activities (The Apple Orchard, which sucked and made us all turn tail and run for the quiet comfort of my patio. The Ren Fest where we imbibed veeno and ate our weight in...stuff.) I FINALLY get a call for a gig (US “Monty”) which put me on fitness and diet mania. I finished up a few more projects on a very large list. Engaged in my 4th year of the G and G tours. Mama-sans b'day was celebrated and Dorajar coaxed the fam into eating super hot Indian food at the restaurant formerly known as Udupi. The weather got much colder, and I acquiesced to the requests of 'Bean and Dorajar and decided to dress up like a puffy ugly frassy Sweet Pea.

1 comment:

Tom Bailey said...

Interesing story and blog I ran into your blog through a search. This is my first visit you have interesting stories to tell.