Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Day, b'day...

Whew. Have you ever had a hangover last over 24 hours? Scary.

Merrrrrry couple of days after X-mas y’all! Here’s a quickie re-cap of the festivities so I can get back to the pile o’ work that accrued in my absence.

12/25: After frassin’ with the ‘Bean in the a.m. and exchanging gifts (He got “Sweeney Todd” CD, I got a coffee-keeper jar and a pound of obsidian blend. I’m easy) I headed out to Ply-Moose to help mom and dad continue to clean and get ready. Dad and I drank BM’s, while noshing on Shrimp cocktail, Mixed nuts, and pickled herring b4 opening pressies. Which was fuuuuun. Like, I don't remember having this many abound since I was a kid. It was a little silly. (I’ll post highlight pics after I get’em. Sufficed to say the watches are fixed, I have album frames, and a bevvie of other clothing items/treats/doo-dads for the home and car.) After our 3rd Bloody Mary, Dad and I ambled over to the table for dinner. (Ham...which even though we figured 3 out of five of us don’t care for it- he still wanted to make it. Ish. ) We also nibbled these delicious and humongous cheese ravioli topped with pureed butternut squash. Heaven in your mouth, but I think I ticked Dad off since I only had a little bit. HEY, I was going to dinner in 3 hours!

For the love. I hadda split around 5pm. I told Dorajar I would be home by 3. Whoops. Better start using the watch, kiddo.

Mo and I met up as soon as I came home and exchanged our presents. (Even though her stocking smelled of marinade- I hooked her up with a book on diagramming sentences, wine, a coupon for big-kid stuff, socks, and crafty artisan earrings.) After that we pretty much turned and bolted to the hotel, dropped off our gear and headed to Kikugawa for dinner, where they had… wait for all you can eat sushi buffet. Over sake and a s#itty sake-tini, I actually accomplished an off-joked of feat: I ate my own weight in sushi. (I ate salmon and smelt egg sushi rolls fer cryin out loud. What?) The downside to my gorging is that the idea of sushi right now is so abhorrent that I don't think I'll ever be able to eat the filthy stuff again. At least until next week.

Back to the hotel room for a power nap before folks started arriving. (I almost cancelled. I was so tired. “Allll right. You can let people in…but tell’em I’m not gonna wear pants. It’s MY birthday and I don’t wanna wear PANTS”)

It was a good group of folks. We drank champagne, white wine, and 12 year old scotch out of edible peppermint shot glasses. (We were low on cups) Magrooders gave me a card that was signed by the cast of "Loot" which almost made me cry. After we had most of the crew together, we then skedaddled over to Gameworks for good times- DDR, that virtua-boxing game (where I apparently hit the screen.) and GAUNTLET. (If they didn’t close at midnight, I’m pretty sure BWJ/Gangler/Grantpa and I would still be trying to get Wizard some food. Badly. And guess what? I still seem to have 2 nearly full game cards with over 400 pts each. Why I did that, I don't know) After Gameworks closed, we hit the Saloon for more fun and dancing. Some lonely drunk dood tried grabbing my twinkie so I had to keep Dorajar w/in arms reach at all time. There was an a$$le$$ chaps Santa. And the shirtless sweaty tweaker that danced for 2 straight hours. (No pun intended) Nice to know that birthday soiree’s there don’t change from year to year. And this’ll mark the 3rd or 4th time whooping it up there. (As Dorajar pointed out: “I guess only the Nerds and the Gay boys are allowed to go drinking on X-mas”) After THEY closed we headed back to the room 509 for some BS and Whiskey shots before we kicked folks out and crashed at 3:45am.

The wake-up part? On Clown-boxing day? Was heinous. We rode out day-long hangovers that even Ibuprofen couldn’t combat. We were useless to the world yesterday.

Thanks again to all the well-wishers and birthday greeters who sent cards and love. There was a lot of love around all day on the 25th. It filled you up and carried you around on it’s back like a papoose, it did. Happy Holidays, and my love and clear vision to you.

The rest of this week is gonna be fly-by frassy. Work. Rehearsal. Rinse, lather, repeat. Hooooo boy. We open in a week and a ½ . Momma…ah’m ssssskeeered!


Roman said...

Lil' Brother, pics are on their way now.

And thank you for breakfast the next morning. That was a sneaky and unnecessary thing to do. I'm sorry if the gal you met has been bothering you. She found your Myspace nude pic of SweetPea...

Roman said...

Check your yahoo account...

I included a pic of the greatest thing to come from Gramma's EVER.

raven said...

Damn...I so wanted to go to hard Monday. I would have gotten immense joy out of seeing you there.
BTW, assless chaps santa was also at GZ on saturday. That dude has a lot of chaps...more than I think are necessary in any wardrobe. But I guess different strokes...err...ummm...never mind.
Hope your hangover has subsided.

P said...

The rest of the pics are HI-larious! And no worries over breakfast. It was my pleasure after everything you'd done the day before.

Swee'Pea is gonna need to go bye-bye I think. Lord.

Clam Ram...

Raven? 650 Gameworks points...Well, that's a lot of points. IJS!