Thursday, December 28, 2006

Best novelty appliance ever...

"Clam Ram" photo taken by RSvP on X-mas morning, 2006, whilst looking for...I don't know. A ladle or some s#it.

I'm sometimes convinced that I was born in the wrong era. I think I would've thrived being a home-owner hipster cat in the 70's. You know? The clothes. The music. Throwing cocktail parties and making drinks like a Manhatten, or a Pink Squirrel. Watching bad 70's kung fu and horror movies. Being able to see "Star Wars" on the big screen. Like, a good "Star Wars". (By "good" I mean, "original trilogy") Saying catchy things like "Hey, man" or "Keep on Truckin'" to you know... To everybody.

But, man. This has got to be the most horribly entendre'-ish named kitchen utensil ever. I mean, what if they called a bread machine...I don't know. "Yeast Stuffer"?

Yeah. RSvP, his wife and I all had a good "WTF" chuckle after finding that guy.

"Clam Ram", btw.

1 comment:

Roman said...

That is WAY up on the list of things you never want to see. At your parents house. Because they got it from your Gramma.

WAY up.

he he he "Clam Ram".