Thursday, September 28, 2006


Anyone wanna take this series test? Anyone? I'm, a little concerned. With all this studying, and now re-working (going over) the routes and sites it's feeling like I'm back in college. Next thing you know I'll be wearing my bathrobe to Thtr 3327 due to staying up until 4am studying neo-classical through realism with a coffee from the Dinkydome in one hand and a backpack in the other...the strange smell of cold pizza from Galooney's wafting off of me.

And I'll re-develop an affinity for Busch Light Draft.


In other news, and to piggy back on the Mo-peds recent blog. I can TOTALLY tell that winter is here due to the fact that I feel freaking RAVENOUS. I hang a louie from Lowry onto Warshington during my a.m. commute and haaappen to pass a BK on the way. My desire for a Croissanwich is becoming overpowering. And I actually hate those things.

SPEAKING of brefkist (and coffee for that matter) how...LAZY and moreover freaked out as a society have we become that McD's offers to put your cream and sugar into your coffee for you? No no no no no. There is a specific CHEMical formula in creating the perfect Baby P cup of diner/restaurant/coffee shop coffee (MD, I'll break it down for you all scientific like if you want. Let me know if I go too fast, okay?) See, it's kind of like DNA- It's a little different for everyone. Me, if it's a cup-cup? half a cream, two sugars (preferrably raw sugar cane) At Urban Harvest/Audubon typey places? Enough skim to lighten the dark roast and 2-3 real cane sugar (Depending on my mood. Huh? What do you think about THAT McDonalds? Can you guess my mood on any given day I'm frassin' through a drive through after a hangover and I'm fiending for a Sausage McMuffin w/egg? Huh? I didn't think so.)

I mean, seriously. A couple of years back, some douche spills their coffee on themselves causing a lawsuit and a "practical" (snerk) disclaimer on every lid/cup stating a cautionary warning to all ye who sippeth here that thy contents be hot. No. Shit. So NOW they have to offer to mix your shit for you? Is this a "service", bc it seems more patronizing than anything. Will they be serving their sammies in bites sized portions next to prevent choking? French fry bits that dissolve easily in your mouth?

Uh-uh. Don't touch the morning magic, bucko's. That's when I turn into a rassin-frassin' alchemist, dig?

*When I'm at home, I just use fat-free French vanilla creamer. Although my French hasn't improved at all. Where's THAT disclaimer?


Unknown said...

That macky-D stuff is not even real coffee, sugar added or not.
It's just water with coffee flavour so that you think you are getting a hit, when actually its just another synthetic product.

Bring on starbucks :)

Prof. Chowie said...

Dude I'll take the 6 for ya. Or you can take my inactive 7 & 66 registrations...

Melinite said...

Ugh--can't stand McD's or The Evil Empire. Adam makes us coffee in the AM, and it's all about getting good beans. :) Good beans = less need for additives.

P said...

I try to avoid chainies. ('bucks and 'bou.) Hard if I forgot to brew in the a.m. since that's the only type of coffee shop we have out in the 'burbs where I work. In my 'hood, I have 3 really awesome neighborhood coffee shops which I like to hit on a Sunday and just...chill. (Yeah. When's the last time you did that, buckwheat?) I don't think I've ever had a McD's coffee...nor would I want to. Burf.

I'm an a.m. brewer, too'er. In spite of my pseudo-anti-establishment coffee stance, Jellybeans daughter manages a 'bucks. So I'm good for a free pound of fresh beans weekly. (Which is soooo frickin' nice. Even Folgers in a can is pricey at the gro-gro store.) A little grindy-grind and I have my a.m. coffee fix for the week.

Chows-able. You're a saint. If you happen to have a superfluous 26 lying around, that's gonna probably be the next one.

; )

pvcypmp? Privacy Pampie?