Friday, September 29, 2006

Wrong side of the biz-ed...

So, outside of the general malaise/ennui that has sapped my energy post-Ivey's, I've discovered that my overall tolerance level for other people's bologna has fallen considerably.

A generic graphic-

Here's Baby P- : P
Here's his tolerance. >: 0

Normally, my tolerance for other folks bullshit is high. Water off a ducks back and all. But lately it's been a stew of pi$$ and vinegar that I think has been caused by external stressor's which has had an impact on my frassy mood. (Series 6, Tuesday Hangover, Impending Car repair, Impending site move to Woodfrassy, the anger and insensitivity displayed by peers, Cold-Ass Weather and not being ready for it, work "fires" that need tending and cause me to have to stay later than I normally do and force me to miss my class, coming home just exhAUSted and not having the reserves to even go downstairs and do a couple of crunches. Whine whine whine whine)

I could fill that glass half full. I'm learning fiduciary non-sense. My car does need fixed and it'll be nice not to worry about it. The weather makes for gorgeous leaves. The anger has forced people to recognize there own behavior. Work makes me busy, busy='s fast work day. I'm forcing myself to run through my forms at home and Kil Sim is committed to memory (Albeit- that new bo form'll be a bitch, and it's gonna suck when I have to switch schools to Wdby)

Yessiree...Gotta stay above the turmoil and look for the silver lining, pip-pip, wot-wot, chin-up and a stiff upper...whatever.

So...turning the frass back internally, I'm usually greeted by the smell of fresh brewed coffee at 6am brought about by the coffee auto-timer. Today? I smelled hot water. Turns out I got the coffee maker ready, down to the filter in the basket...I just didn't add any coffee.

It was then, only then, that I realized that today could suspiciously become: One of those days.

Mmmmmmm, boiled water.

Have a great weekend, frassers! Home cooked Thai tonight (Boy, did that Thai Guy freak when he found out he'd be dinner) Followed by finding out where the h#ll all the sites are for the G/G tours (Saint Paul, is still baffling as a mo-fo. I promised I'd be readier this year) followed by Kelly's to say "Hi" to the Gangle-Bangle.

Ren Festing and seeing RSvP and my Seester in Law in the afternoon, followed by "Big Ed" Stroutables B'day. Sunday? No rest for the frassers...I gots some MORE PJ's to do.


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