Monday, September 18, 2006

This seems all too familiar

Well kitlins. I’m 0 for 2 in terms of auditioning and not getting cast. 1st one was for "PMS: Your Cat gives Head" and the 2nd for "Amadouchebag". I’m not frassin’..part of the biz…but I got the "Thanks but No Thanks" for both shows within an hour from each other- which is a mixed blessing I suppose. No waiting for the call, get it out of the way and all that. But not so good b/c I got the news about one show right before my callback started which I think put me in a bad frame of mind before I went in. (Thinking that I didn’t get it before I even was called in. Pessimistic and defeatist, yes.’s a safety mechanism in order for me to not get my hopes up. Secretly, I harbor a desire to come across as cool and unaffected, rather than guarded and pessimistic. I’m failing at that, aren’t I?)

Familiar, too, b/c this seems to be the same thing that happened lass year around this time when I went out for a couple o’ shows and received a resounding negative. I almost entertained the notion that I’m only good on stage when I’m beating people up and someone else says my lines off stage. (lol). Let’s get a remount up, Chowie. It’ll be GOLDEN!

Funny and weird accidents…

So a sign that I was to receive the "post-audition" let downs that I did may have came in the form of a car accident. A bad one, in fact. Right, in front, of the theatre. There we were, a dozen actors, quietly milling about a locked theatre (b/c get this: THEY were stuck in traffic due to a car accident) trying not to look like we were lookilu’s or like those kink freaks from the movie "Crash" who call each other when there’s a a car wreck and get off to it. The scenario was dumb after we heard what happened. Person on their cell phone while driving doesn’t see the other person whip a "U-ie" and whammo. Sad.

But this whole weekend has had these accidents. Friday, traffic from Woodbury to Mipples was Horrible due to a school bus that had ran off the road and up on the embankment. (No, no kids were hurt. But do you know the SIZE of the towtruck that has to get said schoolbus? Let’s just say that 3 outta 4 lanes were blocked on EB 94.) Besides the accident in front of the Mounds, people were driving like s#it (Mopes almost got hit on Hennepin due to a douche-y driver. Then again turning on my Johnson when the car behind her tried to turn left in between two pylon’s, nearly side swiping her.) I almost got hit by a douchebag that was TOTALLY not looking when I was coming home from Ma and Dad’s (Whipping out without looking over their shoulder to see me coming…) It was a mess.

So, drive safe my gentle warriors.

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