Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I recently decided on a whim to re-connect with a friend I haven’t seen in over 3 years. We were best buddies all through high school and beginning college until we just sort of…fell out of contact. At this point, the reason for why we hadn’t spoken seemed ridiculous at best, so I figured "what the hell" and called him up. We got together, caught ourselves up (Never once looking back at past frass) and shared a mutual hug before departing.

Now the guy won’t stop calling. (LOL!) But I have a buddy again.

One of the bennies to having this guy back in my life is his job- FT Jazz musician.

I was sitting around the patio last night with he, and another absent friend who drove 2.5 hours all the way from ‘Sconnie for a little reunion of sorts. (He also hadn’t seen the man in a few years). Linzie had to split early to make it to a gig at the Kitty Cat club. "You should c’mon down. No cover. Playing a shitload of Mingus…some free stuff. It’s cool man. Lots of parking." And even though it was kind of late on a school night, we went. And we sat there, letting the music wash over us. Nothing too loud, or ecclectic. Just smooth s#it…and two buddies sitting on an overstuffed couch at a hipster club, listening to our friend play. Waves. Music in waves.

And it was all right.

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