Wednesday, September 20, 2006

*Aught Six Co Pic Brain Dumpski

*That’s short for the "2006 company picnic"…btw

This cold a$$ weather’s making me frassy. I’m still too lazy to dig out my cold weather running gear (Really baby P? Finding an excuse to NOT exercise? Surprise surprise surprise…) and I went into the basement to get my sweater box which only served to depress me more since it’s a gonna be a cold one this year I hear tell (After a succession of warmish winters, we’re due. Newbies to MN…be prepared) so now there’s the arm of a sweater gamely hanging out of the side of the box. I’ll bring ‘em up later.

Today will be a bit of a brain dump so for those so inclined to enjoy tangential rants, take heed for I have news: (And apologize for the slightly misanthropic brain is full, and hurts)

I’ve got revenge on the people who burn popcorn in the breakroom (Vom) and bring suitcase sized lunchbags that take up valuable fridge space. I put liberal doses of minced garlic in with my soup girthening tomatoes, effectively making the fridge smell-ah-like-ah garlic. Buh-wha-hah-hah…

When will spinach be okay? My soup just isn’t as girthy without it.

The Co-Pic was in Roseville which is cool since it’s only a skip away from mi casa. I went home and changed from work duds into jeans and my "612" hoodie. Still, I was cold. It was cold. Ish-kabibble.

There were door prizes, including a s#it ton of ipods and a plasma tv. I won nothing. Ironically enough, all the "Senior Leader’s" made off with the good stuff. Man. They make the money…why can’t I win? Not even a Vikings baseball hat. Fug.

Someone asked my if my "612" hoodie said "G-12"…"What is that, like, a code or something?" Right. It’s like the G-8 conference, only 25% G-er.

They served Famous Daves ribs and chicken parts. I would’ve been happy if they had chicky boobs and 86’ed the 25 Ipods I didn’t win.

I had two wing type pieces and that was it. Picking off the skin, and trying to get the precious little meat off the bone I received a bevvy of questions from my work mates. "You didn’t get any cole slaw or potato salad?" (No) "Why are you picking the skin off? Oh, that’s right…you’re a vegetarian." (No, I just don’t eat the fatty bits. And I like chicken and fish…I just don’t eat hot dogs, brats, ribs, burger’s, and most red meat is all.) "At all!?!?" (Well, I had a nice piece of ribeye on Sunday) "Don’t you like cole slaw?" (Not really. If they had baked beans I woulda messed those up though) "That’s so weird!" ...I went home and ate a Boca.

It was actually a fairly successful picnic. Folks seemed to have a lot of fun, people were being goofy. Outside of the temperature it was a pretty good time.

Series licensing continues to be a bane. Today we were proctored with an outside SME consultant to discuss terms and theories in the dreaded unit one. This don’t happen to yours truly that often, but wow: Blinding headache. And I have more studying to do yet.

God gets ya: Starving after training, I threw my soup/tomato/garlic mess together and popped it in the ‘wave. My co-worker sidelined me with questions, so I got back in time to stop the ‘wave before boiling my soup to oblivion. Whilst pulling it out, I managed to nearly knock it over (Which woulda made me soupless and caused hella big mess) but my CATLIKE reflexes stopped it from spilling. Not. Before. Some of the contents splashed on my hand. Yes. It burns. Yes. It hurts. Right there in between my thumb and forefinger.

Ivey’s are coming up on Monday. Got my tux (read: Banana Hammock) ready. What? If all goes well, we’ll have a nice group going. Safety in numbers and all that. But, and I’m pretty sure I’m not mistaken, it was actually kind of warm last year wudn’t it?

Rounding back to the cold weather, just standing/sitting around at the Co Pic really drained the s#it out of my energy. Wiped the heck out.

I hope I can get to Fest this year. This weekend is out due to some camping frass.

Ghost and Graves tours are on like Donkey Kong. Pray for good tour partners.

To do’s: Workout, including a jog. Crunches. Fu’. Study.

Good plan, Maynard. Let’s see if you actually capitalize on it.

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