Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mooooore ME ME!

It's a shorty though, I promise.

1] describe your last kiss?
MiMOsa this morning. I wanted it to linger, she was cold and wanted to get into her car.

2] whose car were you in last?
My own

3] what was the highlight of your weekend?
So many to choose from it’s hard to choose: Fancy Pants dinner with Mo. Seeing "Kid Simple". Chinese niblets, Wine, and "Garden State"? My folks coming over to help install a ceiling fan and saying they liked the house?

I’m gonna go with Sunday night dinner at Redwrights with Mo, Mom, and Dad. Bliss. And awesome vittles. Rocky stayed in the car.

4] what color shirt are you wearing?
Black Kenneth Cole sweater over a white stretchy dress shirt from Express Men. Label, Whore. And what, # 4? You want my pants too? Okay, charcoal gray, fucker. What do you think of that? C’mon! Bring IT!

5] how long is your hair?
Too. Long. It’s gone from rakish mop to freakish fro.

6] how long have you been friends with your best friend (s)?
Adam: 15 years. Steve: 12 years. Ryan: 6 years. RSvP: Life?

7] who's on your mind right now?
Not who, what: Series 6 testing, and feeling like a moron b/c none of the material is sticking.

8] last show you watched?
10 minutes worth of "Kung Fu Hustle"

9] last thing you ate?
Whole wheat toast w/low sugar preserves. Yogurt is next at 10 am. Regimented diet, and anal. You know it.

10] last thing you drank?
Just finished my coffee, and now I’m moving back on to water. I’m craving ice cold cran-raspberry juice tho’…

11] where did you sleep last night?
In my bed

12] do you have a significant other?
Yup. And a few insignificant others to boot.

13] when was the last time you smiled?
When Per-Per sent me a message that said MPR is interviewing a "Sandwich Mogul".

14] what did you say last?
"Aw fuck…another code red?"

15] where is your phone?
On my head.

17] what color are your eyes?
Blue N’ Bloodshot

18] what shoes are you wearing?
Jeez 18, are tag teaming with #4? So unfair. (Black dress lace ups)

19] who came over last? Came over who what?
Mo, I guess?

20] name the last three things you have bought in the past day?
Wine. Diet Coke. My freedom.

21] do you hate anyone at this time?
Nope. It’s more like pity, rather than hate.

22] what are you listening to?
The drone of office banter.

23] what's your favorite scent?
Dolce & Gabbana on moi. Whatever pretty stink on anybody else.

24] what would you like to rid the world of?
Intolerance, Ignorance

25] what was the last drug you took?
Papa took his supplements this a.m., which included some Ibuprofen. I. B. Sore.

26] what was your last good dining out experience?
Friday night with Mo. We had an incredible feast together at Zelo. Flatbread with tomato and prawns for an app.She had the Fusilli Lunghi, and I ended up with Linguini Nero. Tiramisu and coffee for dessert. My only regret is that I didn’t get a bottle of Pinot. (I should have known better)

27] what is your current biggest fear?
The big one is over. Now it’s just staying on top of it. (My car breaking down, come to think of it...)

28] what's your favorite word?

29] what is your least favorite word?
Cancer and C#nt. And I tell you what folks…I’ve only used the latter once. And it was justified.

30] who makes you the happiest right now?
My family. My friends. The thought of becoming an uncle.

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